
Radiology Scientific Essay/Forensic radiology

Radiology Scientific Essay/Forensic radiology

Radiology Scientific Essay/Forensic radiology


Forensic radiology

Competitive Essay Rules
Manuscripts and Preparation
• The essay must be original & pertain to the art and science of Radiologic Technology, if not the essay will NOT be scored.
• Manuscript style: typewritten on one side of 8 ½ ” x 11″, double-spaced, 1″ margins on both sides, with pagination. A formal writing style must be used such as APA,

MLA, or AMA. There must be an appropriate list of references which are cited throughout the essay in the correct format style used. If more than one format is used,

essay will NOT be scored.
• Reading time shall not be less than the (10) minutes; and no more than twenty (20) minutes.
• Writers should make every effort to reference material. At no time should a writer deliberately use the work of another with proper citations.
• The essay will be evaluated using the following categories: content, flow of content, grammar and spelling, use of references within the text, and overall


Scientific Essay Rubric
Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Total
Content Updates, expands, and/or enhances existing knowledge, and draws conclusions. Captures audience’s attention immediately. Topic thoroughly covered and

20-16 Enhances existing knowledge. Gains audience attention upon reviewing content. Main points covered. Provides a learning experience.
15-10 Provides existing knowledge. Topic covered but prompts unanswered questions. Learning experience presents content established as common knowledge.
9-5 Content presented is not valued as educational or technical.
4-0 ________
Flow of Content Writing is smooth and coherent. Ideas easily flow throughout the paper.
20-16 Writing is mostly clear, with little trouble understanding the flow of the paper.
15-10 Some of the paragraphs do not flow easily, causing some confusion.
9-5 Most of the paragraphs do not flow easily, causing confusion.
4-0 ________
Grammar and Spelling Entirely free of grammatical errors. No spelling or punctuation errors
20-16 Contains a few grammar errors, which may annoy the reader but not impede understanding. Minimal spelling errors.
15-10 Contains several grammatical errors which may temporarily confuse the reader but not impede the overall understanding. Several spelling concerns.
9-5 Contains many grammatical errors, impossible for the reader to follow the thinking from sentence to sentence.
4-0 ________
Use of References (Citing within Content) Paraphrasing used appropriately with limited direct quotes. Attributions are clear and represented. Sources cited

20-16 Paraphrasing used appropriately, although direct quotes overused. Attribution is, for the most part, clear and represented. Sources cited correctly.
15-10 Direct quotes overused. Attributions are used, although without purpose of the citing.
OR sources cited incorrectly.
9-5 Weak attempt to paraphrase, relying too heavily on direct quotes. Although attributions are occasionally given, many statements seem unsubstantiated. Paper

seems plagiarized.
4-0 ________
Overall Impression Excellent paper. Demonstrates good effort.
20-16 Above average paper.
15-10 Average paper.
9-5 Below average paper.
4-0 ________
Grand Total Score for Essay ______________

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