read the instruction Research Paper
Instructions: ? This is an individual project. ? Perform a search using the LRC to find the most recent data on your topic. You may use state board websites and national governing bodies for the respective disciplines mentioned below. ? Write a two to four page, single spaced, typed, summary of the findings for your topic. Cite your references using the APA format. You do not need to print the references. ? Put your name, student I.D. #, and either D.C. or AOM Student in the top right corner of your papers or cover pages. ? Upload your completed assignment to this course site in microsoft word Topic: 1. If you are an AOM student,research the scope of practice for the state that you wish to practice by reading the state board website. In your paper, dicuss the major points of the scope of practice for a Masters in AOM in your state and how it differs from the scope for those practicing Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda. Attachments: Research-pape.docx
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