
regression questions Research Paper

regression questions Research Paper

Need clear and easy to understand solutions that will help me study for exams! Document Preview: ECMT1010 Workshop 10 1. (Chapter 13, problem 13.4) Investment analysts generally believe the interest rate on bonds is inversely related to the prime interest rate for loans; that is, bonds perform well when lending rates are down and perform poorly when interest rates are up. Can the bond rate be predicted by the prime interest rate? Use the following data to construct a least squares regression line to predict bond rates by the prime interest rate. 2. (Chapter 13, problem 13.8) Determine the equation of the regression line for the following data, and compute the residuals. 3. (Chapter 13, problem 13.22) Determine the SSE and se for problem 13.4. Examine the variables being analysed in this problem and comment on the value of se. 4. (Chapter 13, problem 13.29) Compute r2 for problem 13.22 (problem 13.4). Discuss the value of r2 obtained 5. (Chapter 13, problem 13.35) Test the slope of the regression line determined in problem 13.4. Use a 5% level of significance. 6. (Chapter 13, problem 13.41) Construct a 99% confidence interval for the average bond rate in problem 13.4 for a prime interest rate of 10%. Discuss the meaning of this confidence interval. 7. (Chapter 13, problem 13.42) Determine the equation of the trend line for the data shown below on Australian exports of lead (in millions of dollars) over a 5-year period provided by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and trade. Using the trend line equation, forecast the value for the year 201011. 8. (Chapter 13, problem 13.54) People involved in the tourist industry are interested in many aspects of tourist behaviour. An aspect that may be of interest is whether there is a relationship between demand for tourists, as measured by the number of guest nights stayed, and the number of tourist accommodation establishments. Using the data below provided by Statistics New Zealand, develop a model to predict the number of guest establishments by number of guest nights stayed. Interpret the slope and intercept Attachments: Workshop-10.pdf

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