The relations between China and JAPAN.
Paper Part Two – Final, full and complete paper
Your paper should begin with an introduction, stating your topic and thesis statement. Most academics writers find they write the introduction last.
Your paper must include the substance of the summaries of your four academic, peer-reviewed articles already written. Be sure to incorporate any comments and/or recommendations that I may have given you. Material from the summaries should not be more than 1500 words. For the final paper, please critique your chosen articles! You must fully incorporate your summaries into the final paper, regardless of your paper format.
You will want to do additional research into your topic, which can include non-academic peer-reviewed sources. Present all your research with reference to the original thesis statement. The best papers will present a variety of quality sources. Normally this is the longest part of the paper.
End the paper with a conclusion, the purpose of which is to assess, as a result of your research, the validity of your original thesis statement. Do you feel your thesis statement is supported? Alternately, did your research fail to support your thesis statement?
Students will NOT be graded as to whether or not the thesis statement was supported (or failed to be supported). The thesis statement cannot be altered. Rather, grades will be assessed on the quality of research, writing, presentation and analysis.
Each paper is expected to be at least 4500 words (no more than 5500 words) of original text**** in length (double spaced, all 1” margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman, pagination [numbered pages], no skipped lines between paragraphs), with additional pages for a cover page at the beginning, endnotes instead of footnotes [or scientific notation]. The bibliography and any supplementary material should be placed at the end of the paper.
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