Renewable System .. Research Paper
ive upload the assignment .. and ive upload the answers also .. my friend did this subject last year ..the assessment is the same but can you please paraphrase it ? just re-write everything again and change the format for the table of graphs thats allcan you please do it ?i need it perfect and same but new words and different presentation ..Thanks Document Preview: Major Assessment 2: Wind power analysisDUE: End of Week 9 (Australian Eastern Standard Time)Percentage of Final Mark 20%Assignment 2 is to be submitted by groups of two students viaAssignments on the Learning Hub with a filename that includesall students family names. Note that the ability to work in teams isone of the graduate attributes required by the Institution ofEngineers Australia.The wind speed at a potential wind farm site has been monitoredhourly for one year. Wind speeds are in m/s and were measured atheight 10 m.Wind speed data is available on the learning hub under Resourcesfor Assignment 2, Assignment 2 data files. Students are to select thewind speed data file corresponding to the last two digits of theirstudent number. Files are named: wind_data_00.xls through towind_data_99.xls. Thus if your student number is S1234567, youmust select the wind speed data file named wind_data_67.xls.The wind speed data file contains a column of the hourly windspeed data, i.e. 8760 points. It also contains the shape and scaleparameters (k and c respectively) for the Weibull distribution whichmodels the data at height 10m.Note that neither the wind speed measurement height nor the heightmodelled by the Weibull distribution corresponds to the hub height of thewind turbine.Assume that the terrain has a roughness length of 0.01 m.The work for this assignment is to be done on a spreadsheet (suchas Excel). The assignment is to be submitted as a proper report,with each step clearly indicated. Submissions must include samplecalculations for each step, along with the relevant tables, graphsand answers.1. You are to install a Gamesa 2MW wind turbine at your site. You canchoose from 3 different blade lengths (the G80 with diameter 80 m, G87with diameter 87 m, or G90 with diameter 90 m) and two different towerheights (corresponding to hub heights 78 m or 100 m). The six possiblecombinations and their costs are: G80, hub height 78 m, installed cost $5,000,000 G87, hub height Attachments: Major-Assessm.docx ReportforAssi.docx RESAssignment.xlsx Rectangular-G.docx
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