
research report aspect of poor adoption of effective ict by small scale agri business operating in australia

research report aspect of poor adoption of effective ict by small scale agri business operating in australia


HI6008 Assessment Three

FINAL Business Research Report

Due Friday Week 13, 25 pages

(Minimum 22, Maximum 28 pages excluding bibliography and appendix)

Worth 60%


The FINAL business research proposal will consist of the following items:



Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Chapter 3 Data Collection and Analysis

Chapter 4 Discussion of Results

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work




Recommendations on how to write the final report:


150 to 200 words with a brief description of your business research topic, its business significance, research methods used and research results.


Chapter 1 (4-5pages) Introduction: From Assignment 01 include:

1.1 Your business research topic. What is your topic and what is its business significance.
1.2 A brief background/literature discussion of your topic. Provide a list of research questions for the identified business problem or opportunity.
1.3 A brief description of the research methodologies and techniques to be used for the research project. What research methodology will you use?
1.4 A description of the research process. What will be the steps in your project?
1.5 Outline describing what will be in each chapter of the report.

Chapter 2 (8-12 pages)Literature Review: From Assignment 02 include:

2.1 Introduction to Literature Review: Start with introduction which includes a list of the topic you will do a literature review on, what your hypotheses are from these topics that you are starting out with.

2.2 Topic 1: Define your 1st key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.
2.3 Topic 2. Define your 2nd key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.
2.4 Topic 3: Define your 3rd key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.
2.5 Topic 4: Define your 4th word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.
2.6 Conclusion to Literature Review

Chapter 3 (6-8 pages)Data Collection and Analysis

3.1 Introduction to Data Collection and Analysis
3.2 Data Sampling Method. How will you get the data you need to test your hypotheses? What tools or devices will you use to make or record observations? How will you choose the sample? What degree of accuracy or level of confidence can you guarantee?

3.3 Data Analysis. What combinations of analytical and statistical process will be applied to the data? Which of these will allow you to accept or reject your hypotheses?

3.4 Conclusion to Data Collection and Analysis


Chapter 4 (3-5 pages)Discussion of Results

4.1 Discussion on Hypotheses. Was your initial hypothesis supported or rejected? Why?
4.2 Discussion on Literature and Research Results. What are the implications of your findings for the theory base, for the background assumptions, or relevant literature?

4.3 Recommendations. What recommendations result from the work?


Chapter 5 (1-2 pages) Conclusion and Future Work

5.1 Conclusion: Brief summary connecting your business research topic to your research results

5.2 Future Work: What suggestions can you make for further research on this topic?



At least 16 references properly referenced.



Here you could include the PowerPoint slides from your presentation, any (empty) surveys, any extra information of value such as extra data analysis not included in the chapters.

HI6008 Assessment Two

Business Research Literature Review

Due Friday 4pm of Week 06,

8-12 pages excluding references, worth 30%

This is an individual assignment.


Literature Review is to be submitted by Friday 4pm in Week 6.


This will consist of developing a comprehensive literature review chapter for the business research proposal. You will have to identify a business research topic, describe the literature on the research topic and provide hypotheses based on the literature for the research questions you have already defined in your research proposal in HI6007.


It is a special form of information gathering where you present the known body of knowledge relevant to the issue(s) or problem(s) you are addressing


The literature review is NOT just a string of authors, names, pages and references.  It is structured as if you are developing an argument explaining why you need to undertake your research. Possibly, you might point to: a gap in the literature, or an issue or question that needs more evidence or research.


From week 04 and 05 tutorials you learnt how to develop a literature review.


A strong suggestion is to follow the following format discussed in week 05:



  1. Introduction to Literature Review


Start with introduction which includes a list of the topic you will do a literature review on, what your hypotheses are from these topics that you are starting out with (what you think is true about the topics).


E.g. I believe outsourcing for IT services I still growing and providing better quality for companies.


1.1 Topic 1

Define your 1st key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.


1.2 Topic 2

Define your 2nd key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.


1.3 Topic 3

Define your 3rd key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.


1.4 Topic 4

Define your 4th key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.


Add Topics as you see fit to build your literature review here ….



1.5 Conclusion:


Finish with conclusion which includes a list of the topic you discussed in the literature review, a summary of what your literature research discovered and a conclusion on the hypotheses from these topics that you started with.


(E.g. After studying the literature on outsourcing for IT services, there are a lot of issues in quality of customer service and product quality when it comes to some of the outsourcing IT service providers.)

HI6008 Assessment One

Business Research Report Proposal

Due Friday Week 04, 2000 words worth 10%

The research proposal will consist of the following NINE (9) items:

  1. A business research topic. What is your topic and what is its business significance.
  2. A brief literature review of the research topic. Produce 1 to 2 pages on background information on your research topic.
  3. Research questions for the identified problem or opportunity. What questions will you research?
  4. Appropriate research methodologies and techniques to use for the research project. What research methodology will you use?
  5. A project plan using a Gantt Chart and clearly defined milestones. Use Microsoft Project or other software to produce the Gantt Chart. Your milestones for HI6008 are:
    Week 6: Literature Review due.
    Week 14: Final Business Research (Capstone) Thesis due.
  6. Description of the research process. What will be the steps in your project?
  7. Description of data collection and analysis methods. What data will you collect? What data analysis will you do?
  8. Description of expected research outcomes. Who is your primary mentor or supervisor?
  9. A completed Ethics Checklist. Complete and sign ethics checklist below and attach with FINAL research project proposal.




This checklist is designed to alert you to your ethical obligations when you conduct research involving human subjects. These questions must be answered when a research project is proposed and before a research project is implemented. Attach the completed checklist to your final research proposal in week 12.

Student Name and ID: _______________________________________
Title of the Project: ____________________________________________________________________

Please circle your answers:

1)  Will the human subjects be informed of the nature of their involvement in the collection
of data and of features of the research that reasonably might be expected to influence
willingness to participate?                                                                                                              Yes  No

2)  Will the human subjects be told that they can discontinue their participation at any time?          Yes  No

3)  Will the human subjects in your study be aware that they are the targets of research?              Yes  No

4)  If the subjects are underage, will their guardians be asked to sign the consent form?            Yes  No N/A

5) Is the confidentiality of the human subject’s identity positively ensured?                                      Yes  No

6) In cases where there is a possibility that the human subject’s identity can be deduced by          Yes  No
someone other than the researcher, is the subject’s right to withdraw his/her data

7) Will the researcher fulfil all the promises made to the human subjects including providing          Yes  No
       the summary of the findings upon request?

8) Will all necessary measures be taken to protect the physical safety of                                        Yes  No
the human subjects from dangers such as faulty electrical equipment, poor
grounding, lack of oxygen, falls, traffic & industrial accidents, possibility
of hearing or vision loss etc.?

9) Will the human subject be debriefed (told the true nature of the study) after                                Yes  No
the data has been collected?

10) In cases in which the human subject is dissatisfied or a complaint about the researcher or      Yes  No
procedure, will the researcher explain to the human subject that he or she may express
this complaint to the Subject Coordinator?

11)  Does the study involve concealment from and/or deception of the human subject?                Yes  No

12)  Will deception be used in order to obtain agreement to participate?                                          Yes  No

13)  Will the study involve human subjects who are legally or otherwise not in a position to
give their valid consent to participate such as children, prison inmates, mental patients?           Yes  No

14)  Will information on your human subjects be obtained from third parties?                                  Yes  No

15) Will any coercion be exerted upon subjects to participate?                                                         Yes  No

16) Will the study involve physical stress to the human subjects such as might                               Yes  No
result from heat, noise, electric shock, pain, sleep loss, deprivation of
food and drink, drugs, alcohol?

17) Will the study cause any mental discomfort to the human subjects such as fear,                      Yes  No
anxiety, loss of self-esteem, shame, guilt, embarrassment etc.?

18) Could publication of the research results possibly interfere with strict confidentiality?               Yes  No

19) Could publication of the research results possibly harm the human subject –
either directly or through identification with his/her membership group?                                      Yes  No
20) Are there other aspects of the study that may interfere with the protection of the                      Yes  No
well-being of the human subjects?


If you have selected NO for any of the questions 1 to 10 and/or you have selected YES for any of the questions 11 o 20, please provide comments to clarify your choice (use additional pages if necessary).





Signature of the Student Researcher: ________________________________________________________

APPROVED: _______________________________________    Date: ___________________________
                        Signature of Subject Coordinator



HI6008 Assessment Three

FINAL Business Research Report

Due Friday Week 13, 25 pages

(Minimum 22, Maximum 28 pages excluding bibliography and appendix)

Worth 60%


The FINAL business research proposal will consist of the following items:



Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Chapter 3 Data Collection and Analysis

Chapter 4 Discussion of Results

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work




Recommendations on how to write the final report:


150 to 200 words with a brief description of your business research topic, its business significance, research methods used and research results.


Chapter 1 (4-5pages) Introduction: From Assignment 01 include:

1.1 Your business research topic. What is your topic and what is its business significance.
1.2 A brief background/literature discussion of your topic. Provide a list of research questions for the identified business problem or opportunity.
1.3 A brief description of the research methodologies and techniques to be used for the research project. What research methodology will you use?
1.4 A description of the research process. What will be the steps in your project?
1.5 Outline describing what will be in each chapter of the report.

Chapter 2 (8-12 pages)Literature Review: From Assignment 02 include:

2.1 Introduction to Literature Review: Start with introduction which includes a list of the topic you will do a literature review on, what your hypotheses are from these topics that you are starting out with.

2.2 Topic 1: Define your 1st key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.
2.3 Topic 2. Define your 2nd key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.
2.4 Topic 3: Define your 3rd key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.
2.5 Topic 4: Define your 4th word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.
2.6 Conclusion to Literature Review

Chapter 3 (6-8 pages)Data Collection and Analysis

3.1 Introduction to Data Collection and Analysis
3.2 Data Sampling Method. How will you get the data you need to test your hypotheses? What tools or devices will you use to make or record observations? How will you choose the sample? What degree of accuracy or level of confidence can you guarantee?

3.3 Data Analysis. What combinations of analytical and statistical process will be applied to the data? Which of these will allow you to accept or reject your hypotheses?

3.4 Conclusion to Data Collection and Analysis


Chapter 4 (3-5 pages)Discussion of Results

4.1 Discussion on Hypotheses. Was your initial hypothesis supported or rejected? Why?
4.2 Discussion on Literature and Research Results. What are the implications of your findings for the theory base, for the background assumptions, or relevant literature?

4.3 Recommendations. What recommendations result from the work?


Chapter 5 (1-2 pages) Conclusion and Future Work

5.1 Conclusion: Brief summary connecting your business research topic to your research results

5.2 Future Work: What suggestions can you make for further research on this topic?



At least 16 references properly referenced.



Here you could include the PowerPoint slides from your presentation, any (empty) surveys, any extra information of value such as extra data analysis not included in the chapters.

HI6008 Assessment Two

Business Research Literature Review

Due Friday 4pm of Week 06,

8-12 pages excluding references, worth 30%

This is an individual assignment.


Literature Review is to be submitted by Friday 4pm in Week 6.


This will consist of developing a comprehensive literature review chapter for the business research proposal. You will have to identify a business research topic, describe the literature on the research topic and provide hypotheses based on the literature for the research questions you have already defined in your research proposal in HI6007.


It is a special form of information gathering where you present the known body of knowledge relevant to the issue(s) or problem(s) you are addressing


The literature review is NOT just a string of authors, names, pages and references.  It is structured as if you are developing an argument explaining why you need to undertake your research. Possibly, you might point to: a gap in the literature, or an issue or question that needs more evidence or research.


From week 04 and 05 tutorials you learnt how to develop a literature review.


A strong suggestion is to follow the following format discussed in week 05:



  1. Introduction to Literature Review


Start with introduction which includes a list of the topic you will do a literature review on, what your hypotheses are from these topics that you are starting out with (what you think is true about the topics).


E.g. I believe outsourcing for IT services I still growing and providing better quality for companies.


1.1 Topic 1

Define your 1st key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.


1.2 Topic 2

Define your 2nd key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.


1.3 Topic 3

Define your 3rd key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.


1.4 Topic 4

Define your 4th key word or phrase. Provide strengths and weaknesses from literature about the topic. Provide at least 4 references. Analyse your hypothesis about this topic and discuss your conclusion.


Add Topics as you see fit to build your literature review here ….



1.5 Conclusion:


Finish with conclusion which includes a list of the topic you discussed in the literature review, a summary of what your literature research discovered and a conclusion on the hypotheses from these topics that you started with.


(E.g. After studying the literature on outsourcing for IT services, there are a lot of issues in quality of customer service and product quality when it comes to some of the outsourcing IT service providers.)

HI6008 Assessment One

Business Research Report Proposal

Due Friday Week 04, 2000 words worth 10%

The research proposal will consist of the following NINE (9) items:

  1. A business research topic. What is your topic and what is its business significance.
  2. A brief literature review of the research topic. Produce 1 to 2 pages on background information on your research topic.
  3. Research questions for the identified problem or opportunity. What questions will you research?
  4. Appropriate research methodologies and techniques to use for the research project. What research methodology will you use?
  5. A project plan using a Gantt Chart and clearly defined milestones. Use Microsoft Project or other software to produce the Gantt Chart. Your milestones for HI6008 are:
    Week 6: Literature Review due.
    Week 14: Final Business Research (Capstone) Thesis due.
  6. Description of the research process. What will be the steps in your project?
  7. Description of data collection and analysis methods. What data will you collect? What data analysis will you do?
  8. Description of expected research outcomes. Who is your primary mentor or supervisor?
  9. A completed Ethics Checklist. Complete and sign ethics checklist below and attach with FINAL research project proposal.




This checklist is designed to alert you to your ethical obligations when you conduct research involving human subjects. These questions must be answered when a research project is proposed and before a research project is implemented. Attach the completed checklist to your final research proposal in week 12.

Student Name and ID: _______________________________________
Title of the Project: ____________________________________________________________________

Please circle your answers:

1)  Will the human subjects be informed of the nature of their involvement in the collection
of data and of features of the research that reasonably might be expected to influence
willingness to participate?                                                                                                              Yes  No

2)  Will the human subjects be told that they can discontinue their participation at any time?          Yes  No

3)  Will the human subjects in your study be aware that they are the targets of research?              Yes  No

4)  If the subjects are underage, will their guardians be asked to sign the consent form?            Yes  No N/A

5) Is the confidentiality of the human subject’s identity positively ensured?                                      Yes  No

6) In cases where there is a possibility that the human subject’s identity can be deduced by          Yes  No
someone other than the researcher, is the subject’s right to withdraw his/her data

7) Will the researcher fulfil all the promises made to the human subjects including providing          Yes  No
       the summary of the findings upon request?

8) Will all necessary measures be taken to protect the physical safety of                                        Yes  No
the human subjects from dangers such as faulty electrical equipment, poor
grounding, lack of oxygen, falls, traffic & industrial accidents, possibility
of hearing or vision loss etc.?

9) Will the human subject be debriefed (told the true nature of the study) after                                Yes  No
the data has been collected?

10) In cases in which the human subject is dissatisfied or a complaint about the researcher or      Yes  No
procedure, will the researcher explain to the human subject that he or she may express
this complaint to the Subject Coordinator?

11)  Does the study involve concealment from and/or deception of the human subject?                Yes  No

12)  Will deception be used in order to obtain agreement to participate?                                          Yes  No

13)  Will the study involve human subjects who are legally or otherwise not in a position to
give their valid consent to participate such as children, prison inmates, mental patients?           Yes  No

14)  Will information on your human subjects be obtained from third parties?                                  Yes  No

15) Will any coercion be exerted upon subjects to participate?                                                         Yes  No

16) Will the study involve physical stress to the human subjects such as might                               Yes  No
result from heat, noise, electric shock, pain, sleep loss, deprivation of
food and drink, drugs, alcohol?

17) Will the study cause any mental discomfort to the human subjects such as fear,                      Yes  No
anxiety, loss of self-esteem, shame, guilt, embarrassment etc.?

18) Could publication of the research results possibly interfere with strict confidentiality?               Yes  No

19) Could publication of the research results possibly harm the human subject –
either directly or through identification with his/her membership group?                                      Yes  No
20) Are there other aspects of the study that may interfere with the protection of the                      Yes  No
well-being of the human subjects?


If you have selected NO for any of the questions 1 to 10 and/or you have selected YES for any of the questions 11 o 20, please provide comments to clarify your choice (use additional pages if necessary).





Signature of the Student Researcher: ________________________________________________________

APPROVED: _______________________________________    Date: ___________________________
                        Signature of Subject Coordinator

A Final Proposal on DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY Submitted by: Sagun Neupane EIN 8054 Subject: Statistics and Research Methods for Business Decisions – HI 6007 Lecturer: Dr Serguei Mikhailitchenko Due Date: June 12, 2015 75/100 DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY ICT Adoption in the Business Industry Introduction Information communication technology is necessary for the businesses today since this is an era of e-commerce and economic globalization. Therefore, the adoption of ICT is meant to support the company’s needs depending on its size and exploiting the possible market opportunities. ICT also ensures that a firm is competitive in the business industry. In the economic world today, businesses are improving their technology and ICT systems. According to studies, the IT managers explained that ICT competency in a firm is very critical for the development of the business (Apulu & Latham, 2011). ICT also offers a business a potential of exploring wider markets beyond the local location. Also, ICT also requires firms to train their personnel and workers on ICT so as to facilitate successful adoption (Apulu & Latham, 2011). Literature Review There are various theories that are used to determine the adoption of ICT in business. The perspectives are used in the decision-making process before a company settles on adopting ICT in it business transactions. There are also firm-specific factors that determine the profitability of new technology in an enterprise (Lee, Trimi, & Kim, 2013). There is the rank model which is used to determine the importance of new technology in the different dimensions in which a business can get greater returns. If there is a significant advantage in adopting ICT, the chances of adopting it early and intensively is high. In the adoption of new technology, the timing is very crucial since there is need to determine the savings of inputs, general efficiency gains, flexibility, and improvement of product quality. ICT has also been found to cut sown the capital needs through lower inventory requirements (Lee, Trimi, & Kim, 2013). sections must be numbered DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY The barriers to ICT adoption have also been analyzed, and they include unfavorable financial conditions, human capital restrictions, and information and knowledge incompetency (Lee, Trimi, & Kim, 2013). The other two barriers are organizational and managerial barriers and insufficient awareness of managers of the potential of the advantages of ICT. In ICT adoption, a firm seeks to absorb knowledge from external sources and use it in facilitating creativity that is a major driver of innovation (Gatautis, 2015). The size of the business is also assessed to determine the level of ICT adoption. This evaluation is necessary so as to define the adoption variables at hand. Some of these variables include the timeframe of adoption, and the intensity of the use of ICT (Gatautis, 2015). Diffusion of innovation theory Some of the theories used in determining ICT adoption include the diffusion of innovation theory. This theoretical perspective looks at the process by which ICT is adopted by members of a particular organization. It is a Meta theory that focuses on four factors. One of these factors is the innovation that is used (Spencer, Buhalis, & Moital, 2012). Secondly, there are the communication channels that are used to disseminate the information about this innovation (Gatautis, 2015). Thirdly, the theory looks at the time that is required for the adoption of the particular ICT infrastructure. Fourthly, the perspective factors the nature of the workers to which ICT is introduced. The broad theory is currently used to understand the relationship between the innovator characteristics and the implementation technicalities (Gatautis, 2015). Individual Innovativeness Theory This theory looks at who adopts ICT and when they do it. It uses a bell-shaped curve is used to assess the number of the percentage of individuals of businesses adopting and innovation. Adopters are divided into five categories, and they include the innovators. The use subsection numbering! page numbers? DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY innovators are the first to lead the way and they take the risk of exploring the unexplored path (Spencer, Buhalis, & Moital, 2012). The innovators adopt new ICT systems despite the high degree of uncertainty on whether it will be successful or not. The second group is the early adopters who embrace the innovation early and spread the news to others. The third group is known as the early majority, and it is made up of the adopters who are persuaded by the innovators and early adopters. This process may sometimes follow a deliberation process before they can buy the new idea. The fourth group is the late majority, and it is made up of those who wait until they are sure that the innovation has some good returns (Spencer, Buhalis, & Moital, 2012). They put their best interests first and do not take chances. The final group is the laggards and this section is made up of people who are highly skeptical, and they resist ICT until it is necessary. The Theory of Perceived Attributes This theory suggests that businesses are likely to adopt innovation or ICT if it meets a number of attributes. These characteristics include the advantage of the system over the existing one, compatibility with business values and practices of the adopter, and the complexity. The other attribute that is considered is the trialability of the innovation and the observable results (Limbu, Jayachandran, & Babin, 2014). Previous research indicates that the adoption of ICT has led in the improvement of the small and medium businesses. However, there are various challenges experienced even by large firms as they adopt innovation and new ICT systems. These barriers have to do with human and DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY capital resources as well as knowledge and skills. Studies that have evaluated the determinants of the adoption of the broader internet adoption have also found various environmental barriers (Limbu, Jayachandran, & Babin, 2014). Some of these barriers include the government intervention, public administration, competitors, suppliers, and buyers (Limbu, Jayachandran, & Babin, 2014). These environmental factors are evident in cases of e-commerce in which the market is broad and globalized. However, the three major factors that determine ICT adoption include the financial resources, technical skills, and firm characteristics (Spencer, Buhalis, & Moital, 2012). Research Questions 1. What is the relationship between ICT skills and ICT use in the business setting? 2. What is the relationship between ICT skills and innovation characteristics? 3. What indicates the match between innovation characteristics and adopters category? Methodology This section looks at the scope of the study, instrumentation, and reliability of the instrument. In the scope of the study, this research seeks to determine whether the business place has the necessary knowledge and skills to adopt new ICT. Rather than looking at the basic IT skills such as keyboard us, word processing, and e-mail skills, the businesses should give adequate training on wider ICT skills (Manochehri, Al-Esmail, & Ashrafi, 2012). The literacy proficiency, in this case, refers to the ability to use digital technology, communication tools, and networks to address information problems. In addition to this, the ICT literacy skills are used to make sure that the business operates to meet the global market needs (Limbu, Jayachandran, & Babin, 2014). you’ve got only 4 previous studies in the literature review; expand! measured as?? measured as? what are the indicators? DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION
TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY Instrumentation Questionnaires will be used in this study to determine ICT adoption in the business industry. The constructs used to develop the research tools are picked from the individual innovative theory as well as the theory of perceived attributes. Gantt Scale Description of the Research Process In this research, there are five areas of OCT adoption in which information will be sought. These parts include respondent’s background, ICT skills possessed, how he or she uses the information and communications technology at their place of work, innovation characteristics, and his or her adopter category. The questionnaire will be divided into five-point Linker scale in which the respondent will note down their responses. The first part will consist of five questions about the position, gender, and education attainment of the respondent (Bigliardi, Ivo, & Galati, 2012). The second part will have eleven questions to evaluate the skills and knowledge on ICT. The third part will be made up of ten questions on the frequency of use of the ICT skills at work. The fourth part consists of forty questions which will assess the innovation characteristics such as the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability of the ICT systems (Bigliardi, Ivo, & Galati, 2012). Finally, part five is made up of twenty-five questions to evaluate the five groups of adopters (Bigliardi, Ivo, & Galati, 2012). this is not a proper Gantt chart Likert??? DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY To evaluate the reliability of the research tool, a pilot study will be conducted. To ensure that the pilot study is similar to that in the final study, it will involve forty businesspersons who own business firms. A reliability test will be done on the data using the Cronbach’s Coefficient methods. Also, the reliability test will also be done on the final data collected in the research in to ensure internal reliability. Determining the reliability is important to make sure that the instrument is useful and will give reliable results in the study. Furthermore, errors in the research instrument are also identified on time and rectified. The instrument can also be changed if it does not meet the reliability requirements for the research. Data Analysis In this process, the negative statements are first recorded, and a factor analysis of the research statements on innovative characteristics is done. Also, a factor analysis of the statements for innovator groups is done. The factors in all the five research categories are analyzed separately and then a combined analysis is done (Alshamaila, Papagiannidis, & Li, 2013). The data is recorded in tables or graphs during this process. In addition to this, the variables tested in the pilot study will be analyzed using the same procedures in the final research. The results in the reliability of the pilot study and the final study should be recorded in a table alongside each other for purposes of comparison. The variance between the two is then determined so as to evaluate the reliability of the study (Alshamaila, Papagiannidis, & Li, 2013). Expected Research Outcomes This section covers the possible findings in all the four research areas and also the sample and data collection. This study expects to get participation from many respondents. The mailed questionnaires will be returned at least at a 90% rate since the respondents will be briefed on what the research is all about (Alshamaila, Papagiannidis, & Li, 2013). The personally DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY distributed questionnaires will also be filled out on all sections by the subjects. Mailed questionnaires were largely used because some of the business owners and respondents are distributed in the place of study. The researcher will also use a stratified sampling method in which the recipients of the questionnaire are representative of the sample in the study area or state. On the respondent’s background, the results are expected to show that the middle-aged and elderly respondents were many while the young respondents were few. These findings are expected to be like this because most people owning businesses are middle aged as compared to the youth. On the ICT skills, the mean scores should indicate that these skills are poor among the business owners and employees. The use of the skills in the workplace is also expected to be seldom. On the innovative characteristics, the relative advantage, compatibility, trialability, observability, and complexity will be analysed. Among these, businesses are more likely to find IT innovation and adoption complex and incompatible to their firms (Jones et al., 2014). As a result of this, the respondents are likely to find it hard to use ICT in their firms. In the adopter categories, the respondents will be classified as innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. The study will likely indicate that most business owners and employees are in the late majority category. This group gives the explanation as to why most companies do not use it and have not even employed e-commerce (Low, Chen, & Wu, 2011). In finding out the relationship between ICT adoption, skills, and use, a correlation will be conducted. It is expected to indicate that there is a positive correlation between ICT skills and ICT use. DIGITAL INNOVATION ADOPTATION OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN BUSINESS INDUSTRY References Alshamaila, Y., Papagiannidis, S., & Li, F. (2013). 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Innovation and imitation effects’ dynamics in technology adoption. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 113(6), 772-799. Limbu, Y. B., Jayachandran, C., & Babin, B. J. (2014). Does information and communication technology improve job satisfaction? The moderating role of sales technology orientation. Industrial Marketing Management, 43(7), 1236-1245. Low, C., Chen, Y., & Wu, M. (2011). Understanding the determinants of cloud computing adoption. Industrial management & data systems, 111(7), 1006-1023.





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