Research on volcanos Research Paper
YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS ON THIS INSTRUCTION SHEET TO EARN POINTS FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT (40 total points available)Pick any two active (erupted within the last 50 years) volcanoes anywhere in the world to research. Please make sure yourtwo choices are in different parts of the world. Please do not choose Mt. St. Helens, Kileaua, or Mt. Etna. The following information must be included in your report for each volcano:Pt valueName2 Location (country, latitude and longitude)1 Elevation1 Date of last eruption2 Why does it exist? (hot spot, convergence plate boundary, divergent plate boundary, etc.)3 Facts about its recent eruption history, include some interesting or unusual activity.2 Type of eruption that usually occurs (Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian, or Plinian)2 Type of volcano (shield, stratovolcano, cinder cone)2 Type of lava that is usually erupted from the volcano (basalt, andesite, rhyolite)1 A location map for the volcano1 At least one image of the volcano (photograph, satellite image, etc.)3 List of references, include the URL and the last date you accessed the website.20 total points available for each volcano Please note that you will not earn any points if this volcano is not an active one! You may write this report in list form or paragraph form. I prefer list form. The following websites have some great information you might check out or at least will give you a place to start. You must also reference the material you use in your report, which should include the URL and the date you last accessed the website.
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