Response Assignment Research Paper
Hello there, I have a response assignemnt which consists of 4 articles, and I just want you to write a response for each of the articles that I uploaded. Just a reminder, I uploaded the four articles plus a file (Crtical Response Essay ) which shows you how to response for the articles properly. What I want you to do is to write one page and a half for each article Document Preview: September 2000 Art Form for the Digital Age Video games shape our culture. Its time we took them seriously. By Henry Jenkins Last year, Americans bought over 215 million computer and video games. Thats more than two games per household. The video game industry made almost as much money from gross domestic income as Hollywood. So are video games a massive drain on our income, time and energy? A new form of cultural pollution, as one U.S. senator described them? The nightmare before Christmas, in the words of another? Are games teaching our children to kill, as countless op-ed pieces have warned? No. Computer games are art-a popular art, an emerging art, a largely unrecognized art, but art nevertheless. Over the past 25 years, games have progressed from the primitive two-paddles-and-a-ball Pong to the sophistication of Final Fantasy, a participatory story with cinema-quality graphics that unfolds over nearly 100 hours of play. The computer game has been a killer app for the home PC, increasing consumer demand for vivid graphics, rapid processing, greater memory and better sound. The release this fall of the Sony Playstation 2, coupled with the announcement of next-generation consoles by Nintendo and Microsoft, signals a dramatic increase in the resources available to game designers. Games increasingly influence contemporary cinema, helping to define the frenetic pace and model the multi-directional plotting of Run Lola Run, providing the role-playing metaphor for Being John Malkovich and encouraging a fascination with the slippery line between reality and digital illusion in The Matrix. At high schools and colleges across the country, students discuss games with the same passions with which earlier generations debated the merits of the New American Cinema. Media studies programs report a growing number of their students want to be game designers rather than filmmakers. The time has come to take games seriously as an important new popular art shaping the Attachments: critical-resp.pdf Carson-20Arti.pdf Jenkins-20Art.pdf Macgregor-20A.pdf Suzuki-artica.pdf
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