
Reviewing Research

Reviewing Research

PART B Section A: Creating a Data File. Open a data file in SPSS and enter the data presented in Table 3.1 on page 101. Save this SPSS data file.

Section B: Create a mock research project. Submit your answers to the three questions below in a Word document. 1.Considering your area of research interest, briefly state your area and a possible research project related to the area (150-500 words). 2.Pose one or more null and alternative hypotheses that follow from the possible research project. 3.List at least 10 variables that would be collected in your mock research project that would be used to answer the hypotheses. After each variable, list the variable name you will use in SPSS (Section C), the level of measurement (binary, nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio), and the possible range of scores. Feel free to be creative.

Section C: Create a mock SPSS data set. 1.Open a data file in SPSS and enter in a set of mock data for the research project you describe in Section B. (Note: It is important that you do not collect real data for this activity; you cannot collect data without IRB approval). 2.You must enter 10 rows of data for each of the 10 variables (that is, create data for 10 mock participants). Each row represents the scores of each mock participant on the ten variables. 3.Participant #1 must have missing data for Variable #3. Ensure this is coded correctly.

You should now have three files for Part #2.

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