
The Role of Urban Migration Variables on TB Prevalence in Monrovia (West African

The Role of Urban Migration Variables on TB Prevalence in Monrovia (West African

Problem Statement The evidence based research literature reveals the requirement of tuberculosis screening for the migrants aspiring to travelling from one destination to another in the context of various personal and professional requirements (Gushulak & MacPherson, 2006). Indeed, the international rules do not allow individuals with active tuberculosis to travel across destinations; however, the individuals with the inactive state of this disease (known as carriers) are and allowed by the statute of international laws to immigrate while referring them for public health evaluation after arriving at their destinations (Gushulak & MacPherson, 2006). In Libera, TB is endemic in most rural reas, The and migration of rural Liberians people towardto the capital, Monrovia – attributes tobecause of the increasing employment opportunities and the hope for acquiring a better quality of life – and standard of living at this urban location. The desire of availing trade opportunities is another big reason of the increasing pace of immigration of rural tribal population toward Monrovian location. However, this increasing pace of migration predisposes the Monrovian natives toward developing increases the risk of tuberculosis and other similar contagious diseases in the capital . Koslow (2009, p. 91 ) describes the utilization of tuberculin in minimal doses across the Monrovian population for reducing the episodes of tuberculosis, and t. This clearly reveals the pattern of tuberculosis and its remedial measures practiced across Monrovia. by the medical researchers and physicians for treating the disease (Koslow (2009, p. 91) This In this respect, the disease indeed has remained under active consideration by the Monrovian Health Ministry in relation to the increasing urban migration across the city. However, no focused research study


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