Schizophrenia Spectrum & Psychotic Disorders
Think about Schizophrenia Spectrum & Psychotic Disorders; Why do you suppose these are called ‘spectrum’ disorders (note that this is a change from the DSM-IV-TR)? Do you see any advantages or disadvantages to the changes made for this particular diagnosis? There are many different types of symptoms that help us to accurately diagnose schizophrenia spectrum disorders; after reading about these disorders, how might social workers be able to differentiate this disorder from other disorders? Discuss your personal feelings about the likelihood or unlikelihood of misdiagnosing a person with one of these disorders? How could a social worker avoid misdiagnosing?
(Remember to substantiate your thinking with the use of scholarly references – be sure to use proper in-text citation & to list the reference after your discussion post in proper APA 6th edition format)
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