
Scientific notation

Scientific notation

Paper details:
Scientific measurement includes using scientific units and scientific notation correctly. Most chemical particles (like atoms, neutrons, protons and electrons) are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Since the range in sizes is so significant, we must describe the sizes using scientific notation and scientific units.

The assignments:

Task 1: Review the use and expressions that define scientific notation. Using the information, construct a table that identifies the common basic and derived scientific units.

Task 2: Scientific notation expresses any quantity as a number between 1.00 and 9.99 (called the coefficient) that is multiplied by 10 raised to a power (called the exponent). The exponent is always a whole number and written as a superscript. Complete the table using scientific notation. Solve the problems using scientific notation.

Task 3: Construct a graphic organizer that identifies the specific sizes of each of the following particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Be sure to express the sizes using scientific notatio

Scientific measurement includes using scientific units and scientific notation correctly. Most chemical particles (like atoms, neutrons, protons and electrons) are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Since the range in sizes is so significant, we must describe the sizes using scientific notation and scientific units.

The assignments:

Task 1: Review the use and expressions that define scientific notation. Using the information, construct a table that identifies the common basic and derived scientific units.

Task 2: Scientific notation expresses any quantity as a number between 1.00 and 9.99 (called the coefficient) that is multiplied by 10 raised to a power (called the exponent). The exponent is always a whole number and written as a superscript. Complete the table using scientific notation. Solve the problems using scientific notation.

Task 3: Construct a graphic organizer that identifies the specific sizes of each of the following particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Be sure to express the sizes using scientific notation.

Topics to Consider: Why do we need to know the basics of measurements in science? Why do we need to be able to solve different types of problems with scientific notation? When would we be able to use those skills? What kinds of problems would we encounter that we need to know how to use scientific notation, estimation, and rounding skills? Why should we understand how to determine significant figures when recording data?

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