
The scientific revolution and the printing press

The scientific revolution and the printing press

Project description Double-spaced, with one-inch margins all around, in 12 pt. Times New Roman Font. The process paper must be MLA FORMAT and use MLA citation; all sources must be appropriately documented. Evidence must be used to support your own conclusions. Works cited page, listed in alphabetical order. Ensure your Essay has the following sections 1. Abstract (150 words) 2. Introduction (200) 3. Thesis Statement (just one sentence) 3. Role of Print Press (550 words) 4. Relevance of Printing Press in Scientific Evolution (550 words) 5. How Printing Press does not Play a Role (550 words) 6. Discussion (why your findings support or fail to support your thesis) (550 words) 7. Conclusion (200 words) 8. References (5 books, 5 journals)


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