Select one casting process listed below and research info from a minumm 2 books and 3 company weebsite.
Please read all the 3 picture that i post carfuily it shows all the thing you want to know. nd aslo the topic you are going to choose and formating and examples.
Select one casting process listed below and research info from a minumm 2 books and 3 company weebsite.
1- The ourpose of this resarech is closley invastigate one sepecfic casting process and doucment and cite. with resource in 4 distnct areas. the report should proivide a reader with snapchot of credible and timely info in a clear and concise manner.
2- Dirctions: select one casting process listed below and resarech info from a minumm 2 books and 3 company weebsite. total of 5. statical dadte must be no more the 5 year old.
3-Formatting: All informtion outline form not paragraph.
Double spaced with def margins (1.25 R/L, 1,0 T/B) for the eniter paper meet 2 pages minum max 3 ( not inculding refreance)
Select one casting process listed below and research info from a minumm 2 books and 3 company weebsite.
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