
Shaping an Educational Research Project

Shaping an Educational Research Project

Assessment name: Abstract
Description: Outline of Introduction to the Proposed Project


Details of Assessment Item 1: Research Problem; Research Purpose (including research questions and hypothesis, [where appropriate]); Methodology (probable)

The various elements of Assessment Item 1 must be dealt with in a way that is consistent with the research discipline in which your work is situated. For example, quantitative studies may refer to hypotheses and research questions, whereas qualitative studies may refer to aims and research questions. The work you submit must reflect the norms of your research discipline.
Task Description- Elements of Assessment Item 1
Title. A succinct title that reflects the intent of your proposed research.
Research problem. This is a statement of precisely what it is you are seeking to investigate. The problem will be framed against existing literature, policy and/issues of international relevance for your field of study (e.g., curriculum, pedagogy, policy). A rationale for the proposed investigation will be outlined.
Research purpose. A clear statement that follows logically from your research problem will be detailed. This will include the aims/research questions/hypotheses relevant to your planned investigation. Connections between your research purpose and the research problem will be articulated clearly.
Research strategy. You will outline the research strategy that will guide your approach to the proposed study (e.g., ethnography, case study, quantitative methods etc.). It is understandable that between now and Assessment Item 3, or now and your final thesis submission, the specific methodology may change.
Research design. Outline the participants, site (e.g., school, government department, hospital etc.) or artefacts (e.g., documents if no humans involved in study) that will form the basis for data collection in the study. Indicate the conditions required for the research (e.g., number of participants, documents, interviews, length of interviews, timing etc.). Align these to your research questions.
Methods. A description of the proposed methods (i.e., approaches to data collection) will also be provided.
Mechanics of style. The document is written in appropriate scholarly genre. American Psychological Association (APA) 6th Edition guidelines followed throughout to structure the document, for in-text referencing, and for reference list. As an additional guide to writing and organizing the content in your document, refer to available digital thesis documents in Library database.
The quality of your response to Assessment Item 1 will depend on the depth of your engagement with the ideas explained above and the clear demonstration of understanding of alignment between the different elements of research design.

Grade: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. See Table 1 overleaf for specific marking criteria and standards descriptors.
Length: approx. 1000 words
Relates to learning outcomes: CLO1.1, CLO1.2, CLO2.1, CLO2.2, CLO2.3, CLO2.4, CLO3.2

Dear, I have chosen my topic is Entertainment, Engagement In Education such as drama and music or other communication formats that Engage the emotions to inform students and change their attitudes, behavior and move students to action

Table 1.
Criteria for Assessment Item 1
Standards Descriptors
Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
1) Elements of Research Design Presented elements of research design.
Stated a purpose for the study.
Summarized perspectives from literature or policy documents relevant to the study.
Described an approach to research (procedures, methods, techniques).
Provides references and referencing. Articulated each of the elements of research design.
Arguments for the research are compelling, coherent and supported by appropriate research literature or other salient policy documents. (“Is my argument as to why this research is important grounded in literature or other compelling documents”).
Arguments are relevant to a wide audience including national and international scholars.

2) Alignment in Research Design Chosen a research strategy suits the research problem.
Demonstrated understanding of the necessary alignment between all of the components of research design relevant to Assessment Item 1.
Outlined an approach to the research design that is consistent with the issue/topic/question under investigation.
Proposed a series of methods that are likely to address the research problem/ purposes/ questions/ hypotheses.
Research seems feasible based on stated methods, and conditions for the study (e.g., quantity and type of data to be collected).

3) Mechanics of Style Well-structured, succinct and coherent document with clear introduction, connections between paragraphs, signposting, and clarity of expression (flows smoothly) leading to a scholarly submission (“Is this easy to read, coherent and well expressed?”)
Addressed the requirements of APA style for structuring document and referencing.

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