Short Ficition
Directions: Answer four (4) of the following questions, one from each of the four sections, A-D. Your responses should be mini-essays(300-word minimum for each) . That is, write a thesis sentence for each response and supporting paragraphs that include specific details and quotes from the stories to substantiate your viewpoint. Each of your four responses should be labeled with the Section number and the number of the question (as an example, B.3.). Please double space your mini-essays, put your name on your exam and number the pages.
Short Ficition
Select one question from each section:
Section A:
1. Identify the elements of exposition, complication, climax, and resolution in “Hands” by Sherwood Anderson. Discuss how these elements work (or fail to work) together. Be sure to use concrete details and accurate definitions of the literary terms to explain your answer.
Short Ficition
2. Identify the elements of exposition, complication, climax, and resolution in “What We Talk about When We Talk about Love,” by Raymond Carver. Discuss how these elements work (or fail to work) together. Be sure to use concrete and accurate definitions of the literary terms to explain your answer.
Short Ficition
Section B:
3. Identify and explain two themes in “Shiloh” by Bobbie Ann Mason. Be sure to include specific details and quotes in your response to support your viewpoint.
4. Identify and explain two themes in “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie. Be sure to include specific details and quotes from the story to support your viewpoint.
Short Ficition
Section C:
5. What kind of character is the narrator in Sherman Alexie’s “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven”? Analyze his behavior in light of the literary description and definition of kinds of characters in fiction. Support your view by providing details and quotes from the story.
Short Ficition
6. What kind of character is Julian in O’Connor’s “Everything that Rises Must Converge”? Analyze his behavior in light of the literary definition and description of kinds of characters in fiction. Support your view by providing details and quotes from the story.
Short Ficition
Section D:
7. What is the theme of John Updike’s “A&P”? Use details and quotes to support your viewpoint.
8. What is the theme of Walker’s “Everyday Use”? Use details and quotes to support your viewpoint.
Short Ficition
Read “Hands” Sherwood Anderson
Read “A&P” by John Updike
Read “Everything that Rises Must Converge” by Flannery O’ Connor
Click to access everything-that-rises.pdf
Read “Shiloh”
Read “The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven”
Read “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker
Read “What We Talk about When We Talk about Love,” by Raymond Carver
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