
Sign Miracles Paper

Sign Miracles Paper


            The Bible has various examples of sign miracles performed by Jesus. Jesus performed most of these miracles in the presence of his disciples. However, some of the sign miracles are not recorded in the Bible. Seven of these sign miracle are happen before the Jesus crucifixion, and the final or the eighth one happens after the tremendous event. The Bible introduces the phrase miracle-sign in John 2:11. The Bible uses the Greek word ‘semeion’, which means ‘sign[1].’ Signs usually points to or confirms something or an event. In this regard, this paper will examine the eight sign miracles performed by Jesus.

The first sign miracle performed by Jesus changing water into wine[2]. This is quite contrary to what the Quran and the Gospel of Thomas say, both of which affirm that Jesus performed his first miracle as a young boy. This miracle took place at a wedding. Mary, Jesus’ mother, came and told Jesus that there was no enough wine. The reason why Mary told Jesus about this seems unclear. However, according to scholars, Mary knew that Jesus was Divine and would provide a solution. Jesus answered his mother by asking why he was being involved, yet it was not his hour. It is not clear what he meant by this answer, though scholars agree that Jesus knew what he implied. This was evident from the fact that Mary told the servants to follow whatever Jesus asked of them. Jesus told the servants to fill six pots with water. He miraculously turned the water in these six pots into high quality wine. Biblically, this miracle was meant to show the ability of Jesus in bringing about new beginnings.

The second sign miracle was the healing of the Nobleman’s son[3]. The Bible records this miracle in John 4: 46-54. The nobleman approached Jesus and asked him to heal his son, who was almost dying. Jesus simply told the man that his son was healed[4]. The man never doubted Jesus and went home. On his way, the nobleman met his servants, who confirmed to him that his son was alive. The man recognized that it was the exact time that Jesus told him that his son was healed. According to scholars, this was the first form of salvation to people who believe. Jesus’ Divinity is demonstrated every time he performs a miracle. This miracle also indicated that Jesus had power over space. This is because Jesus was not in contact with the boy physically during the healing process.

The third sign miracle is the healing of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda. This miracle took place when Jesus visited Jerusalem for one of the Jewish festival. It is fascinating that John mentions the belief that some people were stirring up the water to give it power to heal anyone who would go in. Scholars have differed on whether this verse should be included int he Bible. This is because of the small variants in the text. Irrespective of this disagreements, the verse is inspired by God, and therefore should be included in the Bible. The lame strongly believed that he would be healed if someone would help him into the pool. Jesus asked the man if he would wish to be healed. However, the man answers that he cannot get into the pool without being helped. Jesus responded back by telling the man to rise up and walk. The man was healed. This man had been in that condition for 38 years. This shows that Jesus had power over time. As God’s son, Jesus surpasses the effects and limits of time.

The fourth sign miracle is the feeding of the five thousand men with five loaves of bread and two fishes[5]. This miracle occurs when Jesus and his disciples headed to the Sea of Galilee. A huge crowd of people had followed them. Jesus tested his disciples by asking them where they can get bread for this huge crowd of people. Andrew, one of the disciples, brought a small boy who had his lunch. With the little faith of Andrew, Jesus performed a miracle. Jesus prayed and thanked God for the meal. The young boy’s food was multiplied and distributed to everyone. More bread and fishes than before remained after everyone had plenty to eat. This miracle shows that Jesus had power over food. The miracle also indicates that Jesus is willing to utilize things given to him to do amazing things. In addition, the claim of Jesus to be the bread of life also indicates His deity.

The fifth sign miracle performed by Jesus was walking on water[6]. This miracle happened the disciples of Jesus were sailing on the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum. When they were about halfway through the Journey, a great storm arose. In due course, the disciples saw Jesus approaching them by walking on water. This shocked the disciples. Jesus saw their fear and told them, “It is I; do not be afraid.” This statement reveals the Divinity of Jesus because he used the Jewish designation of Yahweh. The disciples’ fears were calmed when Jesus revealed his identity. In addition, this miracle also shows that the divinity of Jesus by exhibiting his authority over nature.

The sixth sign miracle is the healing of the blind man[7]. Jesus healed the man in a quite orthodox manner. Jesus made some mud using his saliva. He put the mud on the eyes of the man. The man was healed when he washed off the mud. This miracle demonstrated that Jesus had authority over physical laws. According to many scholars, this miracle is an illustration of conversion. When an individual is saved, he or she acquires a new ability to see and recognize God’s ways. According to the Jews, suffering was the results of sinning of either the individual suffering, or his or her parents. Jesus pointed out that neither of these were true. Jesus said that the man was born blind so that God’s power could be manifested through him.

The raising of Lazarus from the dead is the seventh sign miracle performed by Jesus[8]. It is clear that Martha, Mary as well as Lazarus had a very close relationship with Jesus. The messengers told Jesus that his Lazarus, his friend, was ill. Instead of healing him instantly, Jesus assured them that the illness would not end in death. Lazarus eventually died. Lazarus had already been buried by the time Jesus and his disciples arrived. Lazarus had been dead for four days. Jesus told Martha that his brother would rise again. Despite being buried for four days, Lazarus walked out of the tomb as commanded by Jesus. This miracle shows that Jesus has authority over death. It also demonstrates the forthcoming resurrection that believers will experience at the end of the world.

The eighth and the final sign miracle was the miraculous catch of fish[9]. Jesus appeared to his disciples as they were fishing on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus’ disciples had not fished anything, which implies that they were not offering the ministry a first priority. The disciples did not notice him at first. Jesus told the disciples to cast their nets to the right of their vessel. The disciples obeyed and caught 153 fishes. They eventually recognized him and had a breakfast with him. This miracle was to show the disciples that He had risen from the dead. Jesus showed himself as the resurrected God’s son and showed his authority over everything.

In conclusion, the Bible has various examples of sign miracles performed by Jesus. Jesus performed most of these miracles in the presence of his disciples. The eight sign miracles include changing water into wine, healing of the Nobleman’s son, healing of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda, feeding of the five thousand men, walking on water, healing of the blind man, raising of Lazarus from the dead, and the miraculous catch of fish. Through these miracles, Jesus showed had power over death, food, physical laws, and time among other thi


John 2:11

John 4: 46-54

Morris, Leon. Jesus is the Christ: studies in the theology of John. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, 1989.

Notovitch, Nicolas. The unknown life of jesus christ: by the discoverer of the manuscript. New York:, 2007.

Towns, Elmer. The Gospel of John: believe and live (21st Century Biblical Commentary Series). Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2002.

[1] John 2:11

[2] Towns, Elmer. The Gospel of John: believe and live (21st Century Biblical Commentary Series). Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2002.


[3] Notovitch, Nicolas. The unknown life of jesus christ: by the discoverer of the manuscript. New York:, 2007.

[4] John 4: 46-54

[5] Morris, Leon. Jesus is the Christ: studies in the theology of John. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, 1989.

[6] Notovitch, Nicolas. The unknown life of jesus christ: by the discoverer of the manuscript. New York:, 2007.


[7] Morris, Leon. Jesus is the Christ: studies in the theology of John. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, 1989.

[8] Notovitch, Nicolas. The unknown life of jesus christ: by the discoverer of the manuscript. New York:, 2007.


[9] Notovitch, Nicolas. The unknown life of jesus christ: by the discoverer of the manuscript. New York:, 2007.


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