


As sales manager for Austin Brown Company, you are responsible for company sales and must make a presentation to the owner next week. Your secretary has compiled different numbers which summarize your areas activities for the year. You must analyze the data and report your findings est the rest in file attached Document Preview: IST 309 ASGN 1 SPREADSHEETGRAPHICS As sales manager for Austin Brown Company, you are responsible for company sales and must make a presentation to the owner next week. Your secretary has compiled different numbers which summarize your areas activities for the year. You must analyze the data and report your findings. Enter the spreadsheet data below and then prepare graphs that will help you see trends or patterns. Create at least three different graph types as part of your analysis. That means a bar, a pie and a line graph, for example. Your graphs must be PRESENTATION QUALITY. Presentation quality means that the graph is properly labeled. Titles indicate the intent/purpose for the graph. X-axis and y-axis labels and legends communicate the important elements of the graph. Always indicate a time line (e.g., date, year) for the readers orientation. To receive full credit for this assignment, you will submit the following to the instructor: 1. You will write a memo report to your boss communicating the trends and relationships which you have identified. Included in the report will be text and graphs (imported into the text). Your text will verbally describe these operations trends and relationships. Position your graphs in your memo as near to the text descriptions as looks good. You must refer to the graphs in your verbal descriptions, using them to illustrate your descriptions. Your memos concluding paragraph should suggest a business course of action which you, as sales manager, will take to correct any problems identified. 2. You will also include (separate from, though stapled to your report) a brief explanation for your selection of graphs. For each graph justify the graph type and data selections. Explain what each communicates. Attach everything with a staple! ************************************************ AUSTIN BROWN COMPANY 2013 Sales Summary Prepared: January 3, 2014 ************************************************ Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Attachments: 309ASGN-Gr.pdf

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