
State Diagram design

State Diagram design

State Diagram design

State Diagram design

Each question requires you to draw a diagram, which must be clear and legible

Q1) Design a class diagram for following requirement description. underlined words represent the name of the classes A Customer can place many Order. The order can be

of type Special Order or Normal order ————————————————————————————————— Q2) Draw class digram for the requirements specified below. Underlined words are the class

names. Assume that you are designing a plug-in system in such system a Plugin is a type of BasePlugin. Plugin runs in PluginHolder. A pluginHolder can contain many

plugins. A BasePlugin can have many Options and Actions. A plugin Option is triggered by a plugin Action —————————————————————————————————— Q3) Draw class digram for

the Underlined specified below. uncurled words are the class names. A student can be enrolled in one or more Seminar through Enrollment. Depending upon seating capacity

of the Seminar it may put zero or more Students in the waiting list. A Seminar is is typically taught by one or more Professor. However a professor can also instruct

zero or more Seminars. —————————————————————————————————— Q4) Draw State machine diagram for the requirements specified below A website DOM can be designed to change

its looks and feel using mouse. ConsiderA DOM which changes its behavior with position and click of mouse. When mouse is outside the DOM area. it is colored red. When

mouse in the DOM area if change it changes it to orange however when user clicks while being in the DOM it changes the color to green. Design a state machine that

captures DOMS’s behavior. ——————————————————————————————————- Q5) Assume you are designing a game where game character can behave something like this. Typically your

game Character will be Roaming in the game area. When it sees an enemy in a close proximity. It will start fighting at the enemy. If enemy starts escaping. the

character will start chasing the enemy and starts fighting as soon as it gets closer in fighting distance. During the fighting character can also get killed. Since game

character has many lives , soon as it gets killed a new one emerges and starts roaming. if character encounters an enemy when its own energy is low it starts fleeing.

During fleeing, if realizers that there is nothing to lose it can start fighting with the enemy. When fighting if its power goes low Character can start fleeing

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