statistics Assigmnet Research Paper
I am attached my file to solving. Assessment Criteria Marks Awarded Marks Available 1 Sampling of Data 10 2 Tabulation of data to include frequency distributions 10 3 Statistical calculations with spreadsheet details, show Document Preview: Assessment Criteria Marks Awarded Marks Available 1 Sampling of Data 10 2 Tabulation of data to include frequency distributions 10 3 Statistical calculations with spreadsheet details, showing cell references. 15 4 Graphical representation of data to show a variety of methods 15 5 Test a statistical hypothesis using a t-test. 15 6 Investigation of relationships using a scatter graph, correlation and regression 15 7 Written account to summarise the findings, to include an interpretation of the statistical measures and graphs 10 8 Presentation and quality of English, to include contents and introduction 10 Additional Comments from Second marker or External Examiner (if required) : DATA Available separately: An Excel spreadsheet containing a database of 310 employees from two departments in two branches of a company which includes variables measuring the results of a series of survey questions on a scale from 1 (low satisfaction) to 10 (high satisfaction). An Excel spreadsheet which will generate an individual set of Random Number Tables. Note: All tasks are to be completed and clearly labelled under the following headings. TASK 1 Generate a set of random number tables from the Excel spreadsheet provided, so that each student has a different set of random number tables. Highlight and copy the numbers generated in the spreadsheet, and use Paste Values from the Paste menu in Excel to copy them into a new spreadsheet. Save. This will ensure that you have a fixed set of numbers to use in your assignment. Use the saved random number tables to randomly select a sample of 30 employees from the 310 records. Use the data in this sample of 30 employees for Tasks 2 to 5. TASK 2 Using the columns of data in your sample, select suitable variables and demonstrate the following statistical applications to analyse the data: tables showing frequency distributions, calculations with their associated formulae showing cell references, row and Attachments: Statistics-as.docx
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