


Order Description

read the powerpoint first and then write the paper.

LAB 4 FIM-460


Read Chapter 17 carefully. Then, go to a food and/or beverage store of your choice and evaluate the store layout, design, and visual merchandising techniques employed.  Be sure to reference the concepts you have learned in the course lectures as well as the textbook chapters.  Your write up should be four pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font.

Explain your answers to the following questions:

I. Appearance
A.    Is the store layout, design, and visual merchandising techniques used consistent with the exterior of the store and the location?  What does it say about the type of store this is and the market it is trying to attract?
B.    Is the store’s ambiance consistent with the merchandise presented and your expectations as a customer?
C.    Does the store need a face-lift, update, remodel, or renovation?  What improvements would you suggest?
II. Fixtures
A.    Does the lighting highlight merchandise, structure space, capture a mood, or downplay unwanted features?
B.    Are the fixtures consistent with the merchandise and the overall ambiance of the store?
C.    What type of image do the fixtures portray?

III. Promotion
A.    Evaluate the store’s signage.  Does it effectively sell merchandise?
B.    Has the retailer used any theatrical effects to help sell merchandise?
C.    Does the store make creative use of wall space to sell product?
D.    Does the sales staff use suggestive selling?
E.    Is the sales staff friendly and helpful?
F.    Is the image of the staff consistent with the image of the store?
IV. Layout
A.    Does the store layout help draw people throughout the store?  Why or why not?
B.    How does the layout facilitate purchases?
C.    What type of layout is used?  Would another type of layout be better?
V. Merchandising
A.    Has the retailer employed any techniques for achieving greater space productivity such as using the “cube,” downsizing gondolas and racks, minimizing no-selling space, etc.?
B.    Are there any displays that increase interest in the products being offered? If not, would you recommend any?
C.    How has the retailer organized merchandise?  What improvements could be made?
VI. Summarize your suggestions on how this retailer can improve the shopping experience for their customers, increase sales, and improve their image.

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