
Strategic Management In Action

Strategic Management In Action

Module Guide

MODoo1067 – Strategic Management in Action – 2014/15 (SEMZ)
Part 010 – Assignment Brief – Patchwork Portfolio
Learning w
o Outcomes
1. PATCH 1 (1 ,000 words): Strategy Development Processes – 1
Case – Google: who drives the strategy? (textbook, pages 426- 34% 1-2
428) i
2. PATCH 2 (1 ,000 words): Organising for Success – Case
Hurricane Katrina: human-made disaster? (textbook, pages 33% 1-2
3. PATCH 3 (1 ,000 words): Leadership & Strategic Change
Case – Managing change at Faslane (textbook, pages 495- 33% 2-3
PATCH 1 (34% of total marks and maximum of 1,000 words): Strategy Development
Processes – Case – Google: who drives the strategy? (textbook, pages 426-428)
Learning outcomes 1-2
TASK A: Provide a table that presents a brief description and key references of
concepts and tools with respect to ‘strategy development processes’. 1
TASK B: Applying the above concepts and tools, provide table(s) and/or figure(s) to
answer the following question:
What influences strategy development in Google?
TASK C: Provide an 800-word commentary on TASK B; and a ZOO-word reflective
commentary on the experience of producing this patch and on the contribution of
seminar group work to this patch. The reflective commentary should explain the
contribution of this patch to your academic and professional progression, and in
particular to the development of your intellectual and employability skills. In your
reflection, you should also clearly refer to specific group work contributions to your 1
patch. Finally, assess yourself by providing a mark (0-100 scale) against the marking
PATCH 2 (33% of total marks and maximum of 1,000 words): Organising for Success
Case – Hurricane Katrina: human-made disaster? (textbook, pages 459-461) – Learning
outcomes 1-2
TASK A: Provide a table that presents a brief description and key references of
concepts and tools regarding ‘organising for success’.
TASK B: Applying the above concepts and tools, provide table(s) and/or figure(s) to
answer the following question:
Who was responsible for the organisational failures surrounding the
response to Hurricane Katrina?

Is this the question you were looking for? If so, place your order here to get started!
