


Order Description


This assessment comprises a depth study of a particular genre of Asian literature or a case study of a particular artist. It is a research assignment designed to develop a comprehensive understanding of the selected aspect or aspects of interest/relevance to you and your teaching. The study should be approximately 2500 – 3000 words in total.

Scope of Assessment:

If you choose the genre option, you should focus your study on a particular chronological and cultural context and ensure that you demonstrate the relationship between the genre you have selected and the context.
Genre for selection might include the following:
• Poetry
• The novel
• Drama
• Visual texts
• Short stories
• Film…

If you choose the ‘artist’ option, you will need to consider the development of the artist’s career, the social and cultural context in which the artist operates/operated, and the artist’s major works and themes.

Artists for selection might include the following:
• a poet
• a cartoonist/animator
• a novelist
• a short story writer
• a dramatist
• a film director


Assignment 1- Depth Study/Case Study


This assessment comprises a depth study of a particular genre of Asian literature or a case study of a particular artist. It is a research assignment designed to develop a comprehensive understanding of the selected aspect or aspects of interest/relevance to you and your teaching. The study should be approximately 2500 – 3000 words in total.

Scope of Assessment:

If you choose the genre option, you should focus your study on a particular chronological and cultural context and ensure that you demonstrate the relationship between the genre you have selected and the context.
Genre for selection might include the following:
• Poetry
• The novel
• Drama
• Visual texts
• Short stories
• Film…

If you choose the ‘artist’ option, you will need to consider the development of the artist’s career, the social and cultural context in which the artist operates/operated, and the artist’s major works and themes.

Artists for selection might include the following:
• a poet                     • a cartoonist/animator
• a novelist                     • a short story writer
• a dramatist                 • a film director
• an essayist


1. Assignments should be neatly and legibly presented (preferably typed) on one side of the page only, using double spacing (single spacing for quotations, etc).
All pages should be numbered.

2. Where relevant, assignments should contain a reference list or bibliography following an acceptable academic style. Further information about referencing and a range of study skills is available from the Student Learning Centre at:

3. Whichever mode of submission you choose; you must keep a copy of all assignments
Assignment checklist

Use the information below as a checklist to assist you to evaluate your assignment by considering the criteria regarded as important by those who will assess the assignment. You also may need to consider specific requirements for assessment indicated by the lecturer.

Ego clear understanding of issues; topic covered in depth; wider context considered; own opinion offered appropriately; insight; originality; analysis supported by data; pertinent research; evidence from texts.

Ego logical development of argument; ideas linked meaningfully; hypothesis, topic or issue(s) clearly stated in introduction; appendices used effectively.

Ego legible; clearly set out; headings; graphics/tables inserted appropriately; clear and easy to read; pages numbered; margins; line spacing.

Ego succinct; fluent; clear; appropriate word use.

Ego spelling; grammar; paragraphing; punctuation; correct use of units and quantities; accurate citation of sources/references

Literatures from Asia
Assignment 1 Topics

‘Genre’ Study
opt. 1: British Films about India
Opt. 1: Visual texts: From cult to comic – sources & transformations
Opt. 1: Manga
Opt. 1: Korean short stories
Opt. 1: Accounts of Cambodia’s “nightmare years”
Opt. 1: Contemporary poetry: haiku
Opt. 1: Tiananmen Square as represented in literature
Opt. 1: Traditional Japanese haiku
Opt. 1: Puppetry as visual and oral/aural text
Opt. 1: Depictions of contemporary China through female authors – turning points
0pt. 1: La Gaglio – Buginese epic from South Sulawesi
Opt. 1: Development of modern drama in Indonesia
Opt. 1: Contemporary Children’s fiction in Indonesia
Opt. 1: Hero tales from the Asian region
Opt. 1: Chinese classical fiction
Opt. 1: Depiction of Afghan women in fiction
Opt. 1: Korean poetry – sijo

‘Artist’ Study
Opt. 2: Zhang Yimou – Chinese film director
Opt. 2: Takeshi Kitano – Japanese film maker
Opt. 2: Subramania Bharati – 20m century Tamil poet
Opt. 2: Junko Morimoto= Japanese children’s picture book author
Opt. 2: Anita Desa:i exploring the complexities oflife
Opt. 2: Allen Say – Japanese-American author & illustrator •
Opt. 2: Deepa Mehta -Indian-born film director
Opt. 2: Case study of Steve Tolbert
Opt. 2: Shyam Selvadurai: expatriate Sri Lankan-born Canadian writer
Opt. 2: Kazuo Ishiguro
Opt. 2: Allan Baillie: 15 years of changing themes on China & SE Asia
Opt. 2: Zhang Yiinou and Chinese cinema
Opt. 2: Pramoedya Ananta Toer – Conscience ofIndonesia
Opt. 2: Haruki Murakami – Japanese novelist
Opt. 2: Abdul Muis – modern Indonesian novelist
Opt. 2: Chairil Anwar – famous Indonesian poet
Opt. 2: Garin Nugroho – contro-versial Indonesian filmmaker
Opt. 2: Remy Sylado – an Indonesian writer
Opt. 2: Rendra – iconic Indonesian poet & dramatist
Opt. 2: Rithy Panh – Cambodian film director
Opt. 2: Yukio Mishima
Opt 2: Ha Jin – a Chinese-American author
Opt. 2: Mira Nair – Indian film director
Opt. 2: Adeline Yen Mah

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