
Studying abroad or in kuwait

Studying abroad or in kuwait

Stufying abroad or in kuwait

This is an arguementative essay about wether studying abroad or in kuwait

i already wrote 500 words out of 1000 i need you to add 500 more and make the essay better.

​I fully agree that its is better to study at a university in Kuwait that studying abroad. Kuwait is such a beautiful country and a country where someone can rise and be better in many aspects. Studying in Kuwait is one the most privilege thing that can happen to a student. A university in Kuwait has a good environment and atmosphere. The education is more easier and doesn’t require you to do many things. Studying in Kuwait is better because of the good environment and better education.

​Firstly, The Environment in a university in Kuwait is way more good and better than any universities abroad. The Environment in the university in Kuwait is something were used of and know how to adapt in. In my opinion, Kuwaiti people are born in a clean and good environment and that’s reflect how they act in the university. In addition, Universities in Kuwait always help it students to cooperate and help each other, so everyone knows and loves one another which helps the environment more. Lastly, a good, clean environment reflects on the students in positive way which makes the students do better and be better.

​Secondly,The education in a university in Kuwait is much easier and helpful to the students. There are many government schools in Kuwait and there are students that doesn’t much of an english and knows Arabic very well but the university really helps him. A university in Kuwait provides you with English and most importantly, Arabic and other language courses which makes it more unique. Education here is basic and easy, it provides students with courses that talks about Kuwait in general and politics of Kuwait which shapes up a better future for a Kuwaiti Student. In addition, In Kuwait there are many speciality like engineering and every kind of engineering and Law, learning local Kuwaiti law and international law. Lastly, Education in Kuwait can open many doors to a local Kuwaiti students and lend him a better Future.

Laslty, Studying in Kuwait is better because of the good environment and better education. The environments in the universities of Kuwait are very clean and good which makes a students be a better person before a better student. Education in Kuwait is very helpful and shapes him a succeeding future with many job opportunities. In conclusion, Kuwait is much of a better option than to study abroad with a better future and a better life.

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