
Systems Dynamics (Week 3)

Systems Dynamics (Week 3)

Systems Dynamics (Stocks, Flows, and Feedback Loops)

This week, you continue your Consultancy Report for the executive leadership of your selected organization. Review the Final Project Template for details about this week’s Final Project component.

Please include the following in 2–3 pages

Evaluate at least three stocks and associated flows in your selected organization.

Evaluate at least one positive feedback loop in your selected organization.

Evaluate at least two examples of how understanding stocks, flows, and feedback loops might improve decision making within the organization.

Include at least two citations/references to current literature to support your explanations to the executive leadership.


Systems Dynamics (Week 3)
[Provide a brief introduction to this section. This week’s section should require about two or three pages.]
Stocks and Flows
[Identify and describe at least three stocks and associated flows within your organization. Note: a stock is an accumulator, such as land holdings, buildings, cash on hand, or inventory. Inflows to cash on hand might be deposits and outflows might be withdrawals.]
Feedback Loops
[Identify at least one positive feedback loop and one negative feedback loop in your organization. Feedback loops are used here in the engineering sense of the terms. That is a positive feedback loop is a reinforcing or amplifying loop and exhibits one of two possibilities: virtous cycles or vicious cycles depending on perspective. For example, if your savings account is increasing exponentially, we might refer to this as a virtuous cycle whereas if your savings account was being depleted, we might refer to it as a vicious cycle. Negative feedback loops are goal seeking or regulating feedback loops. Think of a thermostat as a good example.]
[Provide at least two examples of how an understanding of stocks, flows, and feedback loops would improve decision making within your organization.]
Supporting Research
[Provide at least two citations/references to support your explanations to executive leadership, including a brief discussion of value or importance to your organization.]

[Provide a brief introduction to this section. This week’s section should require about two or three pages.]
Stocks and Flows
[Identify and describe at least three stocks and associated flows within your organization. Note: a stock is an accumulator, such as land holdings, buildings, cash on hand, or inventory. Inflows to cash on hand might be deposits and outflows might be withdrawals.]
Feedback Loops
[Identify at least one positive feedback loop and one negative feedback loop in your organization. Feedback loops are used here in the engineering sense of the terms. That is a positive feedback loop is a reinforcing or amplifying loop and exhibits one of two possibilities: virtous cycles or vicious cycles depending on perspective. For example, if your savings account is increasing exponentially, we might refer to this as a virtuous cycle whereas if your savings account was being depleted, we might refer to it as a vicious cycle. Negative feedback loops are goal seeking or regulating feedback loops. Think of a thermostat as a good example.]
[Provide at least two examples of how an understanding of stocks, flows, and feedback loops would improve decision making within your organization.]
Supporting Research
[Provide at least two citations/references to support your explanations to executive leadership, including a brief discussion of value or importance to your organization.]

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