
Take-Home Essay Assignment INFORMATION

Take-Home Essay Assignment INFORMATION;

Questions made available: 10 April at 8am via Blackboard Assignment
due: 14 April at 11am via Turnitin (link is on Blackboard)
Outline and Instructions
In answering your chosen question, please remember the following: (a) read
the question at least twice so that you understand everything that is being
asked of you, (b) you must follow formal essay writing conventions (i.e. use
complete sentences and adequate grammar to convey your ideas, integrate a
thesis statement into your introductory paragraph in order to clearly articulate
your argument, and organize your body paragraphs around a cohesive idea or
interrelated ideas), and (c) your essay must contain at least THREE (3) fullydeveloped
body paragraphs in addition to a proper introduction and
conclusion for a total of FIVE (5) fully-developed paragraphs (850 to 1000
You must use at LEAST two quotes from our textbooks to support the
argument that you present in your essay. When using quotes or paraphrased
information, please be sure to include proper citation. The discipline of Art
History uses Chicago Style/Turabian style citation.
For example, to cite the following information found on page 423 of our
main textbook by H.H. Arnason and Elizabeth Mansfield:
“Important for the spread of Concrete art in Europe were developments in
Switzerland, particularly the work of Max Bill (1908-94) and Richard Paul
OR if you wanted to cite the following information from page 877 of Robert
Smithson’s “A Sedimentation of the Mind: Earth Projects”:
“The earth’s surface and the figments of the mind have a way of
disintegrating into discrete regions of art.”2
Follow these instructions:
1. Under the “references tab” of Microsoft word, click “insert footnote.”
2. Word will add a superscript number (highlighted above) and then
automatically direct you to
the foot of the page to insert the citation information.
3. Insertthenamesoftheauthors,thetitleofthebook,theeditionnumberand/
the book, the place of publication, name of publisher, date of
publication, the year of publication, and the page number on which the
quote is found in the order listed in footnotes 1 and 2 below
(highlighted in green and blue).
You must also provide a list of works cited for your essay. The Chicago/
Turabian format for listing the sources quoted above look like this:

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