




Answer the question, below, in not more than 1,500 words in total (inclusive of footnotes).

A good answer will demonstrate the following qualities:

A sound grasp of the relevant legal issues and principles.

An ability to explain the legal position comprehensively and clearly.

A good command of the English language and the ability to produce a document that meets professional standards in relation to grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Format: Answers must be typed and double-spaced. Page margins should be the usual Word default margins (approximately 2.5 cm). Use Times New Roman and 12 point

font (this does not apply to footnotes / endnotes).

Bibliography: No bibliography is required, provided you use footnotes (or endnotes) to reference your sources.

Referencing: Follow the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, available at http://www.law.unimelb.edu.au/files/dmfile/FinalOnlinePDF-2012Reprint.pdf or by googling

AGLC and clicking on the relevant links.

Submission: Submit your assignment online by Monday, 6th March at 5.00 p.m. Use the icon in the Assignment / Final Exam folder to submit your assignment


Word count: Print the total number of words used in your answers on the cover sheet. A separate document entitled ‘Assignment: Word Limit’ explains how to do the

word count.

Punctuality: In order to encourage punctuality, 5% will be deducted from your raw mark for each day (finishing at 5 p.m.), or part thereof, by which the date of

submission exceeds the submission deadline.

Plagiarism: this will be penalised severely, normally by failure.


Assess the significance of EACH of the following cases for the development of Australian tax law:

Californian Copper Syndicate v Harris (1904) 5 TC 159

Whitfords Beach Pty Ltd v FCT 82 ATC 4031

Myer Emporium Pty Ltd v FCT 87 ATC 4363.

Has the introduction of the capital gains tax diminished the importance of these cases in any respect?

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