technology in learning
Investigate current and future trends in the use of technology in learning
contexts and establish a vision for elearning.
Reading through the information on “How to Set and Achieve Goals” from
the goal setting website: Keep in mind the information provided from the website on how to set realistic and
achievable goals. These procedures should always be at the forefront for
your goal setting requirements of this unit. In particular, pay particular
attention to the page “What goals should I set”. This information is the
backbone to your next task.
Following the three step planning process as outlined in McCormack and
Jones, 1998, pp. 53-66 ( the print screen of the book available on attached files), make an analysis of your
teaching area to determine the suitability of introducing elearning. Your
analysis should be made up of the following components:
2.1 Discussion of educational goals: develop a list of
educational goals by answering all the questions as outlined on
page 55 of the reading. At this stage you don’t need to worry
about implementation issues correlated costs; simply identify all
the things you would like to achieve.
2.2 Identification of implementation methods: identify
implementation methods for each goal (as outlined on p. 59),
listing both non-Web and elearning approaches that could help
achieve each goal. Next, rule out any implementation methods
you feel are not feasible outlining the reasons why.
2.3 Prioritisation of elearning approaches: using the procedure
as indicated on pages 61 – 66 of the reading. Prioritise your list
and present your results in tabular form.
2.4 Review of elearning tools Select the top three or four items
on your priortised list and identify the elearning tools that could
be used to support the approaches you have identified.
Examples of such tools include; Internet, content delivery (LMS),
information retrieval, Intranet, publishing student work, forums,
chat rooms, blogs, wikis, Forums, online record keeping, online
administration and online assessment, virtual worlds, connected
classrooms (combining online interactive whiteboards and video
conferencing), podcasts, sharing tools, social networking tools.
Please note this is not an exhaustive list of elearning tools. Feel
free to add others you feel may be important.
2.5 Please provide a brief description of each of the tools you
have identified and how they can help achieve the particular
educational goals you have selected.
2.6 Discuss current trends in elearning. In particular, discuss
how these trends could impact on your elearning goals.
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