The Australian Constitution provides protection for the Australian environment
Legal System of referencing. Please use the AGLC3 Australian Guide to
Legal Citation
Maximum Length: 1,000 words for the main text PLUS equivalent of 500 additional words for
tables/flowcharts PLEASE use tables and flowcharts to help answer the question (for an example of a
flowchart please see the example at the end of this document). Note that footnotes and references
should only include case names and legislation, any block
text in footnotes will be added to the word
count! Weighting: 30% for GEPL335 (20% for GEPL535) Your task: GEPL335 and GEPL535 students
must discuss the following statement: “The Australian Constitution provides protection for the
Australian environment.”
Please provide a word count. You are encouraged to use tables and flowcharts to answer
the questions (for an example of a flowchart please see the example at the end of this
document). Note that footnote references should mainly include case names and
legislation ONLY, any block text in footnotes will be included in the word count! ii)
you must use the Legal System of referencing. Please use the AGLC3
Australian Guide to Legal Citation (3rd Ed) (instead of the APA Guide) from:
students/resources/academicskills/referencing (go to
AGLC which links to the University of Melbourne Site which has a pdf available for free
download, there is also a shorter version at
aglc Please consider that you
may use the referencing style used in your recommended and prescribed texts as a
guide. Please note: the Harvard (Author
Date) system of referencing MUST NOT BE
FOLLOWED. WHY? Because this unit is intended as an introduction
to the law and to
legal study, so it is important to follow the conventions of legal writing. The Legal System
of Referencing is not difficult but will take some patience: remember that you must
reference all legislation through section numbers and full t
itles in the text and in the
footnotes and know how to reference the case law in the text and in the footnotes.
Timesaving Tip: Please note that word processing software packages will generate
footnote numbering and formatting for you automatically (in Mic
rosoft Word this
function is found under Insert
Footnote). iii) Please reference ALL of your
sentences, anything really that goes beyond a statement of the obvious needs to be
v) Please reference primary sources wherever possibl
e, i.e. reference the precise
sections of the Act or piece of legislation, or the case law (please use the online
databases, such as austlii at and other sources listed there),
rather than secondary sources (secondary sources inc
lude the textbook, and websites
such as government websites). Secondary sources are useful to give you an overview
and some background but they should be used to direct you to the primary sources (i.e.
legislation and case law) and it is these primary sour
ces (i.e. legislation and case law)
one of the main aims of this unit that you become familiar with the legislation and the
case law and therefore it is important that you practi
ce and develop this skill (and
knowledge!) by referencing the primary sources directly. PLEASE DO NOT REFERENCE
THE UNIT NOTES! The whole point of referencing is to inform the reader of how and
where they may read what you have read
and to source the bes
t possible supporting
evidence for your essay
UNE unit notes are not generally publicly available and are not
primary sources. v) Please structure your answers, with main headings including
introduction, discussion and conclusion, as well as sub
. vi) Please provide a
constructed, logically ordered and wellsupported (with references) argument in
your answers. An assignment is not a collection of copied and pasted paragraphs from
various sources
even if they are referenced! An assignment is
an original piece of work
in which you discuss and analyse your sources of information and provide your own
reasoned conclusions.
vii) In ASSIGNMENT 1 discussion and analysis should be made of the following (with
references!): 1) The Constitutional demarc
ation of responsibilities between
Commonwealth and State Governments as intended by the framers of the Constitution;
2) The degree to which State laws can cover the Commonwealth (you must cover both
Sovereign immunity and the exclusive legislative powers);
3) The degree to which
Commonwealth laws can cover the States (you must discuss s109 and the s 51 powers
and the role of the High Court of Australia in interpreting the meaning of these
concurrent powers); 4) The history and development of intergovernment
al agreements
and the degree to which these have affected coordination and cooperation, and
effective environmental policy implementation; 5) The degree to which such
implementation responsibilities are affected by other Constitutional issues and other
itical and economic issues you may like to cover.
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