Week 2 Discussion
write 130 words for the discussion and 140 words for a journal, and this is the professor not for the journal:
“Journal- This is a journal of the weekly information that students are learning. Each week students will write one paragraph (150 words) that describes new material they found and why they chose it as something that has struck them as important and/or that has piqued their interest.”
I’m international student so please use semple vocabulary.
Required Text:
The Basics of Social Research by Babbie 5th ed. ( 2011), and i will upload additional files for this week class
This is an example to the discussion part from my classmate:
I believe that an overarching paradigm in society today holds the belief that affordable rental housing invites higher crime within the community. This is unsupported by empirical evidence and, unfortunately, has resulted in legislative outcomes which may not be in the best interests of the community or the developer.
Studies have demonstrated that there is no conclusive evidence that indicates increases in ?voucher holders? (Section 8) result in increases in crime. Further, studies have shown that public housing redevelopment contributes to a reduction in crime within the development itself and in adjacent communities (http://nlihc.org/article/studies-examine-effects-affordable-housing-crime-patterns). Increases in crime rate have, however, been linked to abandoned vacant properties and absentee landlords (http://econ.ccps.virginia.edu/RePEc_docs/ceps_docs/crime_ paper.pdf).
In spite of these conclusions, recent California legislation, specifically AB 1X26 (Dissolution Act), has eliminated redevelopment agencies throughout the state. While it is recognized that the state is in a severe budget crisis, the elimination of redevelopment agencies comes at a precarious time. With higher foreclosure rates and more vacant properties, there is a greater need to eliminate blight within the community, which results in a lower crime rate. On the local level, Simi Valley residents recently opposed the development of a rental project, which was previously slated to be for-purchase condominiums. The fear of ?renters? entering the community has caused heated debate among local residents and the developer, who may be forced to build condominiums that will be difficult to sell in the current economic climate.
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