The influences of globalization on the short-medium-long term development of organizations
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The influences of globalization on the short-medium-long term development of organizations
Incorporate theoretical and conceptual ideas in the analysis of organizational change
The structure or organization of the paper should include:
1. Introduction that: a) establishes interest, b) establishes the topic of focus, c) provides a clear thesis statement (goal or purpose followed by a brief justification of its importance, and d) a preview of central points or organization of the body of the paper.
2. In the body of the paper, think of each first sentence of a paragraph as a “mini-thesis” that establishes the goal or direction of the paragraph. This first sentence is often an argument, position, or strong “stand alone” statement. By stand-alone statement I mean an idea that makes sense on its own.
3. Conclusion–summarized key ideas
This paper is based on leadership and change, do not use any of John Kotter’s leadership books as any reference material.
Book: Leading Change in Multiple Contexts. Hickman, Gill R. chapters 10, 11 and any other chapters.
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