
How do you think professors should deal with the different types of cheating you discussed?

How do you think professors should deal with the different types of cheating you discussed?

Description: For this assignment, write a paper answering the following questions. You may want to refer to the definition of academic dishonesty found in the brochure “Academic Integrity: A Guide for Students,” shown in the additional material.

How do you think professors should deal with the different types of cheating you discussed?

Are some types of cheating (for example, copying a friend’s homework, cheating on an in-class test, using sources without citing them, etc.) more wrong than others?
How do you think professors should deal with the different types of cheating you discussed?

How do you think professors should deal with the different types of cheating you discussed?

If you are aware of such forms of cheating, what should you do?
Finally, some research shows that engineering students cheat more than students in other disciplines—why do you think this is true?

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