
How thorough was your discussion? Coherence, spelling, grammar– Does the paper make sense? Have you proof read spell and grammar checked your paper? Did you include the bibliography?

How thorough was your discussion? Coherence, spelling, grammar– Does the paper make sense? Have you proof read spell and grammar checked your paper? Did you include the bibliography?

Annotated Bibliography:  (10%)  The annotated Bibliography contains the sources the paper is based on. “An annotation is a summary and/or evaluation. Therefore, an annotated bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources. Depending on your project or the assignment, your annotations may do one or more of the following.”   You must use a primary source (documentation from people present at the event) and 2 secondary sources for this paper.  Some of your readings are from primary sources. I have marked them. You must use at least one primary source and at least 2 secondary sources for the paper (2 books; one book and two articles or 4 articles).  No encyclopedias or text books can be used. You may use ONLINE SOURCES but they must be legitimate and scholarly sources such as peer reviewed journal articles. You cannot use sites such as ‘ or’ or Wikipedia nor can you use book reviews. The terms scholarly excludes all of the following: online sources (other than digitized primary sources or peer-reviewed articles); textbooks; movies and documentaries; popular publications such as coffee table books or mass-market magazine.  You can consult such works BUT they should not be your principle sources for your paper. You can use the books and the other class readings for your paper BUT you still need at least 2 secondary sources for the paper. No Exceptions!!!!! This is a research paper and therefore you have to do research. You should run your sources by me before you write the bibliography.

(For more detailed information on writing an annotated bibliography see:

I want you to do both: summarize and evaluate each source in your bibliography.

Summarize: “Some annotations merely summarize the source. What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say? The length of your annotations will determine how detailed your summary is.”

Assess: After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it. Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?”

You must annotate each of your sources. For further explanation and for an example of an annotated bibliography, please use the following website:

A sample annotation (both MLA and APA) is attached to this syllabus.

Mechanics for Annotated Bibliography:

  • Put your name on the top of the paper (left hand side) and you course name on the right hand side (History 208:The World Turned Upside Down).
  • Double space and center the title “Annotated Bibliography”.
  • Double space again and put you thesis statement
  • Then begin your annotated bibliography
  • Separate the bibliography into a Primary Source section and a Secondary Source Section
  • The assignment is a safe-assignment and must be submitted via blackboard and a copy must be either handed to me in class or sent via email.

General Paper Instructions from Syllabus:  (20%)

Final Paper: (20%)   The paper must be a minimum of 5 pages (1250 words) typed, double spaced with 1 inch margins on all sides of the paper. It must include a Bibliography/Works Cited Page.  Proper methods of citation must be used. You can use either APA or MLA methods of citation. You can use footnotes, endnotes or parentheticals.  If this is your first research paper, you need to get a manual for writing college papers. There are links on BB under Information for both APA and MLA citations.

Mechanics of the paper:

  • The paper has to be at least 5 full pages (1250 words) in length.  It can be longer.
  • It has to be typed, double spaced with a font no larger than 12 points (this font is 12 points) and with one inch margins on all sides.
  • I do not want a cover paper.  Simply put you name and course on the top of the paper, double space put out title and double space again and start tying.
  • If you use APA I do not want an abstract.
  • The assignment is a safe-assignment and must be submitted via blackboard and a copy must be either handed to me in class or sent via email.

The assignment will be assessed on the following:

  • How well you follow directions.
  • Content – How thorough was your discussion?  Coherence, spelling, grammar– Does the paper make sense?  Have you proof read spell and grammar checked your paper? Did you include the bibliography?
  • Do not plagiarize.  See guideline and penalties for plagiarism in the syllabus


DUE DATE Tuesday November 17, 2015 1:30PM EST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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