Total Quality Management
Order Description
see attached article and answer the questions. Note that you have to use references when appropriate.
Provide a summary in your own words of the article you have been requested to read and analyze in the following space.
a) What are the main points of the assigned article “TQM Gurus”? (200 words)
b) Explain the following Deming point? (150 words)
“Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality; eliminate the need for mass inspection by building quality into the product”.
c) Explain the difference between the following two Deming’s points? (150 words)
Point 6: Institute training on the job.
Point 13: Institute a vigorous education and self-improvement program.
d) List the four types of quality costs and give three examples on each type?
(200 words)
? In your opinion, are the Gurus principles applicable in the MENA region? Why? (250 words)
IV. Practical Implications (250 words)
Based on your experience at your work place, explain how the improvement cycle can be applied?(250 words) (Notice that I’m working in government sector)
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