You are the Training and Development Specialist of a large company.
You are the Training and Development Specialist of a large company. Each year you attend job fairs at various colleges and recruit many new employees. I am your Manager and I have asked you to develop a training program that addresses the gap in skills these recent college graduates have. You will be using the ADDIE Model to design your program throughout this course. Analysis Step 1: Find two scholarly articles on skill deficiencies of graduates entering the job market. You have the option of keeping these general or making these specific to your chosen field or industry. Write a summary of both articles of at least 1/2 page in length each and cite them with APA style.i
2)Identify the needs of your company that require training. What new behavior are you trying to accomplish? What types of constraints exist? What do your employees already know? What is the timeline for completion? How will these newly learned skills transfer to the workplace? Define what the learning objectives are. How will this help your company accomplish its goals? Write up a needs analysis that answers all of these questions in 1-2 pages.
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