Two guided tour.. one would be adelaide botanic garden or any other would be any museum or place to visit
REPORT WRITING Prepared for: Tourism students, Flinders University Prepared by: Chris Fanning, Lecturer, Flinders University February 2015 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of an Executive Summary (also known as an abstract, preface or synopsis) is to state the reasons for writing the report. It is designed to be read by people who will not have time to read the entire report. Most readers immediately turn to the Executive Summary before reading the body of the report. Many do not read anything but the Executive Summary deciding on both the issues and the quality of the report from the Executive Summary alone. This section gives a brief outline (approximately half to one page) of the report. A short paragraph should be written to summarise each of the major report sections i.e. The Introduction, Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations – highlighting the main points of each. The Executive Summary is one of the essential components of a business report. Although it comes first in the report, by necessity it has to be written last. It needs to be written in prose – dot points and note form are NOT appropriate. (Windschuttle and Elliot, 1999) The Executive Summary is written on a page of its own, has no header or footer details, is not a numbered heading, has no page number and does not appear in the Table of Contents. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Aim 1 1.2 Authorisation 1 1.3 Background 1 1.4 Sources of Information/Methodology 1 2.0 Findings 2 (Include ALL Findings sub-headings) 3.0 Analysis 3 (Include ALL findings sub-headings) 4.0 Conclusion 4 5.0 Recommendations 5 6.0 Reference List 6 7.0 Bibliography (If required) 7 Appendices I Appendix A – Report Scenario: Instructions and Requirements II Appendix B – Report Headings: Findings and Analysis and Heading Styles IV Appendix C – Report Front Matter VII Appendix D – Report Readability and Vocabulary, Format and Clarity IX – 1 – 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Introduction presents the background to the issue and makes several important points that will help the reader understand and get the greatest benefit from the report (Dwyer, 2011) Refer Appendix A • This is the first numbered page • The first page to contain header and footer details • Numbered and sub headings start here 1.1 Aim The purpose and objective of the report should be clearly stated in a sentence. There should be a precise definition of the issue or problem that the author intends to discuss or resolve (Windschuttle and Elliott, 1999, p290) 1.2 Authorisation Names the person(s) who requested the report and their title(s), the date the request was made and when the report is due. As authorised by (lecturer’s name and title) on (date the question was issued), due for submission on (date the report is due). 1.3 Background A brief paragraph describing the report scenario/question(s) to a reader who has no knowledge about the situation discussed in the report. Refer Appendix A 1.4 Sources of Information/Methodology The writer should discuss the range of (primary and secondary) sources used, from which the information in the report originated. Details of secondary sources appear in the reference list and or bibliography but can be referred to here as well: • Text(s), as per reference list Other sources such as personal investigations, interviews, statistics and questionnaires should also be mentioned (Windschuttle and Elliott, 1999, p290). – 2 – 2.0 FINDINGS As Dwyer (2011) states, the findings are the factual part of the report and are the result of your investigation. The findings require the writer to clearly state their investigations and research in full (Windschuttle and Elliott, 1999, p290) Refer Appendix A Findings can be thought of as the WHAT section of the report, that is – what has been found out. With the purpose statement in mind, look at the list of all the material gathered for writing the report. Group related issues together and set them out in a clear and logical sequence. For instance, function or features according to the topic could group the main findings. Use headings and sub-headings to guide the reader. Refer Appendix B Asking and answering the following can help in constructing the findings of an analytical report: • Why was the material chosen? • What guidelines were used? • What problems occurred when selecting material? • How were problems resolved? • What previous research has been undertaken in this area? • What method was used to present material? • How was the information processed? Ensure that the Findings (and all other sections of the report) are readable. Refer Appendix D – 3 – 3.0 ANALYSIS The analysis (also known as the discussion section) of the report can be thought of as the WHY section of the report. Its purpose is to try and explain why things have happened. This section can also be incorporated into the FINDINGS in section 2.0 After presenting the findings the analysis requires the writer to: • Discuss the findings • Analyse the data • Outline implications and • Lead the reader towards appropriate action (the recommendations that appear later in the report) (Windschuttle and Elliott 1999, p290). The analysis of the report should explain the following: • Why action should be taken • What decisions are proposed • Why the reader should support specific actions (the recommendations, that appear later in the report). Use headings and sub-headings to guide the reader. Refer Appendix B Present the report in a formal style. Refer Appendix C Support the argument by citing references within the report where appropriate using the A.P.A. referencing system. Use sound (objective) logical argument to steer the reader towards a specific action. Although the style of language used in the analysis is clearly aimed at encouraging specific action, words such as ‘if’ and ‘should’ should be included to leave the way open for the reader to make the final judgement. (Dwyer, 2011). Explain the reasons behind each recommendation that will be made. Wherever it seems appropriate throughout the analysis to make a recommendation, write them. Write recommendations in italic or bold to make them stand out. When ready to create the recommendations simply copy the recommendations written throughout the report and paste them under the recommendation(s) headings. (Windschuttle and Elliott 1999, p292). Ensure that the Analysis (and all other sections of a report) is readable. Refer Appendix D – 4 – 4.0 CONCLUSION The conclusion consists mainly of a series of statements that are the results of the previous analysis section. Like the recommendations, no new information can be written in the conclusion. In this section the writer should attempt to provide at least some answers to the questions and issues raised by the report (Dwyer, 2011). The conclusion should be a restatement of the findings. The conclusion should be stated clearly and precisely and avoid generalisations or exaggerations. In comparison to other sections of a report the conclusion is short. However time and care should be spent writing it as the conclusion is often thoroughly examined by the reader (Windschuttle and Elliott, 1999, p.292). It serves to close all that has been written and discussed previously as well as reminding the reader of the benefits of implementing the recommendations. Ensure that the Conclusion (and all other sections of a report) is readable. Refer Appendix D – 5 – 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS This section can be thought of as the outcomes from the analysis section where no new ideas are introduced. If recommendations are to be made, indicate to the reader exactly what, when, and how action needs to be taken. Do not make a recommendation that cannot be traced back to the analysis. As suggested in the analysis, write recommendations as necessary throughout the report and then copy and paste them into the recommendations in the order that they appeared throughout the report (Windschuttle and Elliott 1999, p292). Keep explanations and reasons out, as these should have been discussed in the analysis section. List recommendations in a logical sequence an
d if appropriate group them according to topics and list them under appropriate subheadings. Recommendations can be presented in: • Bullet lists 1. Numbered lists Generally recommendations are things the reader should do or stop doing so it is suggested recommendations begin with a verb. At the end of each recommendation it can be stated what previous heading or subheading number the recommendation relates to, or where information relating to (reason why the suggestion is being made) the recommendation can be found. For example: 4.1 Ensure facts are only included in the findings (refer 2.0) 4.2 Ensure explanations are only stated in the analysis (refer 3.0) Recommendations are written so they need to be as specific as possible. Clearly state exactly what is hoped to happen (Windschuttle and Elliott 1999, p.292) – 6 – 6.0 REFERENCES Dwyer, J. (2011). The Business Communications Handbook (9th ed.). French Forest: Prentice Hall Windschuttle, K. & Elliott, E. (1999). Writing, Researching, Communicating: Communication Skills for the Information Age (3rd ed.). Roseville: McGraw Hill A reference list (and/or bibliography) must be place at the end of the report arranged in alphabetical order and presented as per the A.P.A Referencing system. The reference list must contain complete details of all secondary sources cited in the previous sections of the report. The reference list (or bibliography) is: • The last numbered page • The last numbered heading in the table of contents and report and • The last page to contain header and footer details – 7 – 7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY (IF REQUIRED) Dwyer, J. ( 2011). Business Communication Handbook (9 th ed.). Frenchs Forest: Prentice Hall Hayward, S. (1998). Communication in the Work Team, Croydon: Eastern House Shmerling, L. (1 996). Communication in the Workplace, South Melbourne: Macmillan Education Australia Pty Ltd Watson, D. (2000). Communication in the Workplace: Four Magic Topics, French Forest: Pearson Education Australia, Windschuttle, K. and Elliott, E. (1999). Writing, Researching, Communicating: Communication Skills for the Information Age (3rd ed.). Roseville: McGraw Hill The bibliography needs to be presented in the same format as the reference list using the A.P.A. Referencing system. It will repeat the details in the reference list plus any uncited secondary sources used in the preparation of the report. IF a bibliography is required IT is: • The last numbered page • The last numbered heading in the table of contents and report and • The last page to contain header and footer details APPENDICES An appendix contains facts and findings that are useful, but not vital to the main text. It may also include information that is too lengthy or technical to put in the body of the report. Examples included: • Statistics • Copies of surveys/questionnaires • Graphs • Extracts from: journals, newspapers or other reports. (Dwyer, 2011). Anything that is included in an appendix must be referred to in previous sections of the report. If there is only one item to be included, it is an appendix and is labelled as such in the table of contents. • An appendix is not a numbered entry in the table of contents and has either: no page number OR may have Roman Numerals. • It there are multiple items to include, each appendix needs to be identified (preferably) by a letter (to distinguish from other report headings and sub headings) and a title for each appendix. • In the table of contents the word Appendix needs to appear followed by the title of each appendix, again without page numbers. • Each appendix requires a cover page, containing the same details listed in the table of contents, followed by the appendix contents on the next page. I APPENDIX A REPORT SCENARIO, INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS II STAGE 1: SCENARIO (For example) Describe and analyse a South Australian location you are familiar with, as a tourist destination. STAGE 2: THE PRESENTATION OF THE FINDINGS This is where the information collected during your investigation is presented. This is the section where you provide the information you gather. Use the headings and sub headings suggested within the Appendix B of this report writing guide. Any supplementary information that you collect, such as maps, brochures, etc. need to be included as appendices. STAGE 3: ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF THE EVENT The analysis should cover the following tourism theories, which should all be defined prior to analysis: • Tourism systems – explain how the location is a generating, transit and/or destination regions (as part of the tourism system) • Tourism sectors – what is represented at the locations and to what degree (put any lists into an appendix) • Economic impact in relation to the multiplier effect and profit leakage at the location • Packaging – to what extent does tourism packaging occur at the location STAGE 4: RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON THE ANALYSIS. This is where you need to state recommendations you are going to make. Remember, no new information is to be included in the recommendations; all recommendations must have been discussed in the Analysis section of the Report. Therefore, you can state your recommendations in the form of: • Dot Points or 1. Numbered List REPORT INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Students are required to: • Write an analytical report of 2000 words • Use the scenario provided to conduct primary and secondary research. • Students then need to analyse (discuss/explain) their findings using secondary sources of information referenced using the A.P.A. style. Students need to pretend they are writing their report for an industry partner such as the Destinations Marketing Committee. Students need to present ways the destination can be improved (in the recommendations section of the report). You will have to have a very clearly outlined list of recommendations that come directly from your findings and analysis. III APPENDIX B REPORT HEADINGS: FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS AND HEADING STYLES IV 2.0 FINDINGS Examples of possible headings for a report. COVER PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Definition of problem, major findings and major recommendations) 1.0 INTRODUCTION (What is the problem) 1.1 Background 1.2 Methodology 2.0 FINDINGS 2.1 Title of Question 1 2.2 Title of Question 2 2.3 Title of Question 3 2.4 etc. 2.5 etc. 2.6 etc. 3.0 DISCUSSION 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 6.0 REFERENCES APPENDICES V HEADINGS AND SUB HEADING STYLES HEADING 1 Body text 1 • Bulleted list 1 1. Numbered list 1 HEADING 2 Body text 2 Bulleted list 2 1. Numbered list 2 Heading 3 Body text 3 – Bulleted list 3 1. Numbered list 3 Heading 4 Body text 4 ► Bulleted list 4 1. Numbered list 4 VI APPENDIX C REPORT APPEARANCE VII PROFESSIONAL APPEARANCE The visual appearance of a report is the first impression the writer makes on the reader. If a report has not been bound or stapled correctly and is falling apart when first picked up, the reader will not have much faith in the conclusion it makes. The first impression of a report rests on the writer’s written presentation skills. COVER PAGE DETAILS The use of white space is very important when considering the presentation of a report. The term ‘use of white space’ refers to the balance of white space and written material. When designing a cover page include: • Report title • Recipient’s name and title • Writer’s name and title (or ID number) • Date submitted The cover page: • Is not a numbered page • Contains no header or footer details and • Does not appear as an entry in the table of contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Include the main sections and subsections of the report in the table of contents. As you will be using a template you will be able to automatically generate a Table of Contents by using the TOC option, (which you can find in the Insert, pull down window in Word) which will copy and paste the headings and numbering system used through out the Report. Headings, sub headings, numbering and page numbers will be an identical match to those contained throughout the report. You can also watch
pAd8w as an example. The contents page should be designed as attractively and clearly as possible, on its own page, not have header or footer details and should not be a numbered page. VIII APPENDIX D REPORT READABILITY AND VOCABULARY, FORMAT AND CLARITY IX READABILITY AND VOCABULARY When writing reports take care to avoid obscure or sexist language, unnecessary jargon, ‘buzz words’, acronyms and abbreviations. SEXIST LANGUAGE Language often carries hidden meaning. Some words carry sexist or racist messages that are often offensive or demeaning to others. Avoid using male-dominated terms to describe occupations or roles that are shared by both men and women – for example instead of ‘chairman’ use ‘chair’ or ‘chairperson.’ Eliminate the unnecessary mention of a person’s gender, as in ‘lady doctor’ or ‘female manager.’ When referring to someone who is not gender specific, avoid using the male pronoun ‘he’ exclusively. JARGON Technical terms (jargon) have a precise meaning that is specific to a particular subject, industry procedure or process. They are appropriate when writing for those who are familiar with them. Avoid them when writing for those who are not familiar with them. BUZZ WORDS Avoid ‘buzz words’ – for example, the term ‘coal face’ meaning the operational end of management. ACRONYMS If it is necessary to use acronym, spell it out in full the first time you write it, immediately followed by the acronym in brackets. For example: ‘The conference was organised by the South Australian Tourism Industry Council (SATIC)’. The method of payment (MOP) was by credit card The second and consecutive times onwards you are permitted to just use the acronym. ABBREVIATIONS Avoid abbreviations such as ‘etc’, didn’t (did not), can’s (cannot), ‘phone’ (telephone), ‘fax’ (facsimile). CORRECT SPELLING, GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION Effective communication is only possible if writers follow the conventions of the English language. Being correct is important because it helps ensure reader understanding. It also improves the writer’s credibility. No matter how good the author’s ideas, if they are poorly presented many readers will discount them. COMPLETE SENTENCES The sentence is the pattern in which written ideas are presented. The aim is to convey information in sentences that are easy to understand. Clarity and coherence in writing are achieved by carefully constructed sentences. The general rule when writing workplace documents is to keep sentences short and compact because they are easier to read. Long sentences can be difficult to follow. When writing, make sure points or ideas are connected clearly. Variety in sentence length also improves the flow of ideas. X MATERIAL RELATES TO HEADINGS Headings tell the reader at a glance where a topic starts or stops. Glancing down a page, heading also proved a quick summary of the contents. A series of headings are like a set of signposts, directing the reader through the text, pointing out the way the writer is thinking. WRITTEN IN THE THIRD PERSON STYLE OF THE PASSIVE VOICE Business reports should be written in the passive voice of the third person style of writing. The language in a report should present facts and information as objectively as possible. Avoid using personal pronouns such as I, me, mine, and myself, and pronouns such as: she, he, his, hers, us, and we. GRAPHICS Are optional and are only to be used if they are relevant to the content. LINE SPACING 1.5 line spacing is required. PARAGRAPHS Need to be defined by the pressing of the enter key twice. MARGINS Are to be formatted as 2.5cm top and bottom of page 2cm on left and right sides of page HEADINGS / SUB HEADINGS Please use the decimal numbering system. JUSTIFICATION The text is to be left justified (aligned). PAGE NUMBERING Page numbers should be centred or right aligned and should be placed in the Footer. HEADER REQUIREMENTS The name of the student and ID number is to be place in the right hand side of the header. GRAPHS, TABLES AND FIGURES All need to be numbered appropriately in text and listed in the Table of Contents XI CLARITY Before submitting a report the following checklist created by Dwyer 2011, to help edit and proof read your report and to check for clarity. Has the writer… Yes No Identified the report’s purpose clearly? Fulfilled the purpose of the statement? Written an introduction that: Explains the report’s purpose? Defines the main issues? Presented the findings and analysis that: Has headings and (maybe) sub headings? Uses language appropriate to the report’s purpose, content and readers? Progresses in well-connected paragraphs? Presents factual and objective information? Analyses the findings? Recommended solutions to any problems found? Written a conclusion that: Draws the main points together? Summarises all the material? XII
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