Unit 2 Building Teams and Resolving Conflict
Deliverable Length: 6-8 slides with in-depth speaker notes
You are making a presentation to the supervisors in the company on the Tuckman forming, storming, norming, and performing model.
Include the following:
Put together a PowerPoint presentation that will explain the model and the highlights of each phase.
Insert any examples you can. Include the fact that the stages can be repeated.
Be sure to use the notes feature of PowerPoint to include your presentation script.
For more information on creating PowerPoint Presentations, please visit the PowerPoint Lab.
NOTES: Again I did not make a passing grade. Please view the notes below.
You are making a presentation to the supervisors in the company on the Tuckman forming, storming, norming, and performing model .Include the following: Put together a PowerPoint presentation that will explain the model and the highlights of each phase. Insert any examples you can. Include the fact that the stages can be repeated. Be sure to use the notes feature of PowerPoint to include your presentation script. As discussed in live chat 2, the power points must be a minimum of 6-8 slides, including a title slide, abstract slide and a reference slide. The font should not exceed 18”-24” and should be Times New Roman. Pictures and gifs are not accepted. All of the information should be cited and referenced in-text accordingly. The assignment is worth 125 points and was due on 9/6/15. The assignments are graded based on the rubric below.
Updated notes on 9/15/15.
Dianna. Good work on IP2! Your assignment submission addressed some of the salient issues associated with the topic, and demonstrated an appropriate level of subject familiarity. However, your power point would have earned a higher score if the following requirements and suggestions were met: All of the following comments have been discussed at length in the recorded live chats, and are posted in the class announcements: Your in-text citations were acceptable. You must cite per sentence and not paragraph only. Every reference must have a citation in order to give credit to the author’s whose ideas and concepts you are using. However, an abstract, introduction and conclusion were also required. The power point was presented well; however, there were not many of your own examples included in the presentation and the content information could have been more substantive and comprehensive to substantiate your assertions. Paragraphs required 5-8 sentences one or two sentences do not constitute a paragraph. For instance, why are team members quiet in the forming phase? Why does conflict develop in the storming phase? Are there any other stages where this happens? Pictures and gifs were not allowed and your name is missing from the presentation.
Content – Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer’s message and intent are clear = 22.75/35%
Scholarly research supports the writer’s position and is properly acknowledged, and cited direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluding title page, abstract, table of contents, tables, exhibits, appendices, and reference pages). Inclusion of plagiarized content will not be tolerated and may result in adverse academic consequences. =12.5/20%
Critical thinking: Position is well-justified, there is logical flow, and there are examples= 15/20%
Structure: Includes introduction and conclusion, proper paragraph format, and reads as a polished, academic paper or professional presentation, as appropriate for the required assignment deliverable. =10.5/10%
Mechanical: No spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors. = 12.5/10%
APA: Deliverable is cited properly according to the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.).=4.5/5%
Late = -5 (assignment was posted on 9/9/15. Student emailed and stated a death in the family. However, there was not any verifiable documentation forwarded.
Total = 72.75
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