Urgen SQL Assignment Research Paper
Hi,Please read the assignment carefully, You need to do the data modelling for the first task in the powerdesigner software and then generate it. Document Preview: Page 3 ISYS 224 Database Systems Assignment 2 Relational Database Design & Implementation Due: 6 pm, Tuesday, 2 October, 2012 (Week 8) Worth 20% of Course Mark 1 Problem Description The objective of this assignment is to: (1) enhance your understanding of Relational Database Design & Implementation using CASE tools (e.g. Rational Rose, or Power Designer), and (2) understand SQL DDL and DML. The assignment will consist of four (4) tasks. ?? Task one will provide a relational database implementation of the sample solution from the first assignment. This should be done using CASE software (the choice will be up to you). Sybases Powerdesigner?? or Rationals RationalRose?? are both possible choices. Note, the diagrams cannot be hand-drawn. The diagram will be pasted into a document. ?? Task two will be forward engineering the model to produce DDL (Data Definition Language) scripts. Alternatively you may choose to code the DDLs yourself (see previous practical examples). Make sure the primary keys and foreign keys are properly stated. ?? Task three will involve the population of tables with sample records through insert table statements. Again the CASE tool may be able to help you here. Alternatively you may choose to write your own scripts (see previous practical examples). ?? Task four will involve writing and executing SQL queries. Methodology ?? Study the chapters from Connolly and Begg and go over the practical exercises so far. ?? Study the sample solution from assignment 1. ?? Using CASE, create the DDL/SQL script file to create the tables and attributes (dropping them all beforehand obviously). Place the model with DDL statements into your report. ?? Write the SQL script file to insert the records (at least ten records per table) into the tables ?? Individually run and test each SQL statement in Oracle to check for errors. ?? Refer to the Oracle documentation files when necessary ?? Place the separate SQL scripts into one script ?? Place the SQL statements Attachments: Assignment2.pdf
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