
Use the DiSC assessment results from your Learning Team members

Use the DiSC assessment results from your Learning Team members

Interview your mentor to gather information about your mentor’s organization, the department your mentor works in, and his or her job description. (YOU CAN PICK SOMEONE THAT YOU WOULD CONSIDER TO BE A MENTOR TO YOU)

Write a plan that may be applied to your mentor’s department and that would increase your Learning Team members’ motivation, satisfaction, and performance based on their personal profiles, as if they were employees of that department.

Required Elements: 1000 words Analyze specific differences in attitudes, emotions, personalities, and values among your Learning Team members, and address how each difference might be used to positively influence behavior. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


JUSTIN: The Impresser (or Ic) is to win with flair. However, you do not want to win at any cost or hurt others’ feelings. Taking shortcuts seems like cheating to you, so you avoid such behaviors. You can become impatient with those who procrastinate about getting started. At times, you can get so involved with getting a job done that you stretch the truth a bit.

DAWN: The Helper (or Is) is friendship. You have a natural dislike of pressuring others or telling them what to do. You seek close, personal relationships rather than popularity and have a wide range of friends and acquaintances. You communicate a low-key, casual style of caring and sharing. You are deliberate and patient in your approach to tasks. You are extremely sensitive to criticism, and allow it to affect your relationships.

NIKKI: The Master-Minder (or Cd) is to increase opportunities for unique and significant personal accomplishments. You express yourself more by what you do than what you say. Consequently, you have strong needs to choose your own goals and to work independently. As primarily an idea-generator and developer, you have little interest in dealing with implementation details.

AL: The Producer (or Ds) is accomplishing bigger and better goals according to an internal timetable. You prefer to be involved in your chosen activities from start to finish, and you resist people who are obstacles to your achievements. Your ability to produce makes you highly valued in situations in which an efficient, dependable, or incrementally improving rate of production is desired.

STACEY: The Master-Minder (or Cd) is to increase opportunities for unique and significant personal accomplishments. You express yourself more by what you do than what you say. Consequently, you have strong needs to choose your own goals and to work independently. As primarily an idea-generator and developer, you have little interest in dealing with implementation details.

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