
Utilising sport to increase female participation in Yemen Sports Development

Utilising sport to increase female participation in Yemen Sports Development

Presentation Structure
The presentation should be well structured to include a title page, overview of the presentation, main body, discussion question/statement, conclusion, reference list. The format of the presentation is clear and text is well laid out. It follows a logical flow and without errors.
Presentation Delivery
You need to dress smartly as if you were attending an interview. The oral presentation should be conducted with little or no reliance on notes. Speak clearly and act professionally throughout the presentation. Make sure your delivery is audible, even pace and appropriate stance. Try to engage with the audience.

Content 50%
State your aim (Which of the objectives is your project trying to achieve)
Problem (Identified need to include sport in development theory and appropriate research)
Place (Location)
People (Target Group)
Project (Discuss your intervention)
Partners (Who will be involved and why)
Each of these need thorough justification

Facilitation 20%
A well-structured statement or question that allows for a balanced discussion.
The discussion question or statement is clearly explained, supported with appropriate evidence to inform both for and against groups.
The group discussion needs to be well organised and managed.

Use of a wide range of current, relevant supportive literature in APA format.

SPOR60529 UK & Global Sport in Development
Supplementary guidance for Assessment 2 Individual Presentation

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