Utilizing the skills garnered in WGD201, the introductory class to WGD/MDD majors
Utilizing the skills garnered in WGD201, the introductory class to WGD/MDD majors, students will create a portfolio-ready, complete 11″ x 17″ full-color poster for the Metro Opera Company and its production of Don Giovanni by Mozart. The Course Project will be due in Week 8 of the session and will be the capstone project of that session.
The Metro Opera Company wants you to design its poster for the highlighted performance of its fall season, Don Giovanni. They are providing you with their logo, which is used on all of their collateral materials, as well as all the descriptive copy you will need, including dates, times, and even a brief synopsis of the opera. They have significant talent performing in this operatic presentation, and they have given you names and very brief biographies of the cast.
The Metro Opera Company has provided you with photos, but they are somewhat limited in their scope, so the client is hoping you can take what they have and build something dynamic, exciting, and very memorable. You have the freedom to add stock images, if applicable. This poster is extremely important to the success of their current season, and they are hopeful that your dynamic design will attract new patrons to the opera company. Even though the opera dates back to Mozart’s time, they want a more contemporary, updated look to the poster.
The company has no color preference but wants the logo to complement the color choices, and they want rich, emotional color evocative of the opera and the fall season.
You will need to begin brainstorming possible concepts for the poster and start thumbnail sketches immediately. A schedule is outlined below based on the weeks remaining in the session.
Your deliverables will be two versions of the poster in the final size (11″ x 17”) in both .ai format and .jpg format. Save the file as LastName_CourseProject.jpg and LastName_CourseProject.ai. Also include all your scanned thumbnails and scanned comps.
Guidelines The guidelines for the capstone Course Project are the following.
The Course Project must be the final poster size—11” x 17”— and full color. It must be digital format only (no printouts of any kind are required). All work must be done ONLY in Adobe Illustrator CS6. All copy is provided and must be utilized in the design of the poster. Photos are provided as well, but students are able to supplement the existing photos with stock images as long as they cite where the photo originated. Students also are permitted to use copyright-free photos and stock images that bear the watermark of the copyright holder (downloadable comp photos are perfectly fine to use and must not be manipulated in any way). All Course Project work must be original.
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