
Voting and Elections Research Paper

Voting and Elections Research Paper

Few districts are party-competitive meaning there are only a few districts that can be realistically won by either a Republican or a Democrat. One solidly-Democratic district in the Houston area is District 139, long represented by Sylvester Turner before he was elected Mayor of Houston last December. There are four candidates in the March 1 Democratic Primary for House District 139:Kimberly Willis, Jerry Ford, Jr., Jarvis D. Johnson and Randy Bates. Your assignment: Youre going to become a phantom campaign manager. Choose one of these four candidates and design a campaign to win the election. Write this assignment as a 2 page memorandum (but with cited sources) from you, the campaign manager, to your candidate. Outline the race for them, how much money you think they need to raise, how you will raise it for them, what you propose to spend it on, what issues they should talk about, how you want to deliver their message, etc. Some things to keep in mind: This is an open seat, with no incumbent seeking reelection.The districts voters are overwhelmingly Democratic and African-American.Many voters in the March 1 Republican Primary will be going there because they have strong feelings about Hillary Clinton or some other Presidential candidate. They wont be thinking about a race for state representative. How will you get their attention?Your candidate is running in a specific district (District 139). Any money you spend delivering your message to people who dont live inside the orange line is wasted money. How do you target the right voters?Some people who live in the district cant vote because theyre under 18 years old, or theyre not U.S. citizens.Not all voters are Democrats, and even those who consider themselves Democrats dont always vote in primary elections. How do you identify your likely voters?What sort of people live in your candidates district. What motivates them?What is your candidates background and experience? What will be his or her key issues?How much money will you need? How will you raise it? How will you spend it?

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