
WalMart in China

WalMart in China

Paragraph 1 – Brief Overview, background of the company and industry. Be sure to identify where it is in the organizational
life cycle.
Paragraph 2 – Overview of internal analysis (should be the same as opening paragraph of internal section. Start with the
IFEM score and interpretation. Include all major factors and any minor ones of particular significance)
Paragraph 3 – Overview of external analysis (should be the same as opening paragraph of external section. Start with the
EFEM score and interpretation. Include all major factors and any minor ones of particular significance)
Paragraph 4 – Recommended vision and strategy (start with the I&E plot point and interpret it, then identity the potential
strategies available and recommend one)
Paragraph 5 – Conclusions
o Cover memo should be written last. It is from the student to the instructor, and includes the date and the name of the case.
It should not exceed two pages and the desired length is one page
The following is a guideline for the writing up your case analysis. It gives guidance and examples of what should be
contained in the specific sections. Remember – this is a guideline and not the actual content for each case. You need to
think critically and identify appropriate content for each section.
Additionally – this is a guide, there may be times when the categories identified in the Internal and External analysis are not
evident in the case. Use your judgment and include those items that are.
Introduction and Overview
Introduction and overview of the company; need to give some history and background information, where the organization
is in the organization life cycle – identify and support.
This section should be devoted to giving context to the case and the organization. Who are key employees; how many
does the company/organization have; what kind of business is it in; how long has it been in the business; where is it in the
organization life cycle (OLC) and what characteristics support that notion; etc. You need to use critical thinking and analysis
when considering the OLC – think about the connection of the BCG matrix to the OLC in supporting your position.
Mission, Goals and Current Strategies
Current mission, goals and strategies – this should discuss what the mission is based on the case, what the current
strategies are – if they have not been clearly articulated

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