
Week 3- Case Analysis: Consequences and Tradeoffs

Week 3- Case Analysis: Consequences and Tradeoffs

Case Analysis: Consequences and Tradeoffs

1. Review the Conference Decision story on the Case Analysis page for this week. (A transcript is available on the page where the story plays.) 2. Using this information, create the following. A consequence table A weighted scoring model 3. Submit your definition of the problem in a MS Word document to the Week 3 Case Analysis Dropbox.

Week 3 Case Analysis: Conference Decision Case, Part 2

Date: September 15, 2005

Two weeks after New Orleans was devastated by Hurricane Katrina, you made the decision to postpone the conference and select a different city to hold the conference. Based on your initial objectives and a survey you took of the registered attendees, you created the following consequence table based on the information available.


Cancel conference for this year—schedule for next year

Keep in New Orleans, but schedule for a later date (when the hotels re-open)

Keep same dates, but move to another city

Move to another city and schedule for a later date


Maximize attendance

Does not meet objective. Senior management stated that cancelling is not an option.

Does not meet objective. Uncertainty on when New Orleans will be back in business is too far off.

Does not meet objective. Cost and logistics of finding a new location and getting attendees to change flights with such short notice is cost prohibitive.

Meets objective. In a survey of attendees, they would be willing to look at a new date in October and were most interested in Las Vegas, Chicago, or New York as alternative sites.

Keep conference costs at current level

Does not meet objective. Refunding registration fees would cause a loss for conference.

Does not meet objective. Because of uncertainty with city, the registration fees would need to be refunded.

Does not meet objective. Conference would lose money and incur additional costs for last minute scheduling.

Meets objective. A preliminary survey shows that costs would be similar to current budget.

From the survey, you found out that the attendees were willing to still come to the conference and suggested three cities as possible new locations for this year’s event.

Chicago Las Vegas New York City As you move forward in locating available hotels and conference facilities, you formulate the following objectives to select which cities will be best to hold the rescheduled conference.

Airfare (the estimated average round trip cost of the attendees) Hotel Room Rate (the nightly rate the attendees will pay during the conference) Conference Costs (the costs you will incur for meeting facilities, reception, registration, etc.) Survey Response (you want to factor in how the cities were ranked based on the survey you conducted.) Because the budget is tight, you feel that the Conference Cost objective is twice as important as the other three objectives.

Based on your research, here is the information you gathered on the cities the user group was interested in.

New Orleans (Not applicable, but used to compare original costs of conference)

Average Airfare: $300 to $400 (Round trip cost per person) Hotel Room Rate: $149.00 (Conference rate per room per night) Conference Costs: $16,000 (Meeting rooms, reception, refreshments, registration materials, etc.) Survey Rank Not Applicable


Average Airfare: $200 to $300 (Round trip cost per person) Hotel Room Rate: $149.00 (Conference rate per room per night) Conference Costs: $25,000 (Meeting rooms, reception, refreshments, registration materials, etc.) Survey Rank 1

New York

Average Airfare: $300 to $400 (Round trip cost per person) Hotel Room Rate: $349.00 (Conference rate per room per night) Conference Costs: $20,000 (Meeting rooms, reception, refreshments, registration materials, etc.) Survey Rank 2

Las Vegas

Average Airfare: $200 to $300 (Round trip cost per person) Hotel Room Rate: $169.00 (Conference rate per room per night) Conference Costs: $15,000 (Meeting rooms, reception, refreshments, registration materials, etc.) Survey Rank 3

Use week 3 template attached for response


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