
Week 8: Introduction to Logistic Regression: The Odds Ratio and Contingency Tables Introduction

Week 8: Introduction to Logistic Regression: The Odds Ratio and Contingency Tables Introduction

“Well, what are the odds of that happening?”

That’s a phrase you probably hear often in your everyday life. As you know, odds are an important statistical concept for everyone from Las Vegas high rollers to medical researchers. Odds are used commonly in health research (for example, the odds ratio might be used to describe the odds that one ethnic group will contract some disease compared to another).

This week, you will learn the foundations of the odds ratio and determine when it is appropriate for use in your field.

Reminder: Your literature review for your Final Project will be due at the end of Week 9.

Learning Outcomes By the end of this week, you will be able to (for linear multiple regression):

State underlying assumptions Determine whether assumptions have been met Propose alternatives if assumptions are not met State null and alternative hypotheses Analyze data using PASW Interpret and report the results with PASW, including effect size Describe sample size Report results in APA format

Odds Ratio

This week, you have been introduced to several concepts of logistic regression, specifically the odds ratio. In this Application, you will report the odds ratio in a given test.

To prepare for this Application:

Review Chapter 19 of the Field text for a description of logistic regression and the odds ratio. Review the media resources demonstrating the odds ratio. The assignment:

Complete Smart Alex’s Task #5 on p. 812 of the Field text. Include only Burnout as the dependent variable and Coping Style and Stress from Teaching as the two independent variables. Report the odds ratio ONLY.

Use APA format according to the guidelines in the PASW Application Assignment Guidelines handout. The final document should be 2–3 pages long.

Create a master MS Word document (you should only be submitting ONE document each week). Label it in accordance with the convention described in your syllabus. Inside of this document, include the following information. 1. (5 pts) State the underlying assumptions for the statistical test. 2. (5 pts) State whether the assumptions have been met. If the assumptions were not met (either in actuality or hypothetically), state what alternatives you have available to you. This section will be the longest section of the paper. Especially with MR as we are running outliers. 3. (5 pts) State the null and alternative (research) hypotheses. 4. (5 pts) Copy your syntax file and paste it into your MS Word Document. 5. (5 pts) For your output file: Select all  Copy all objects  Paste into your MS word document. This will ensure that your output is in a form that your instructor can read. 6. (10 pts) Create a results table consistent with requirements from the APA style manual. 7. (10 pts) Report the results using correct APA format. a. For Multiple and Logistic Regression models, ensure that you include appropriate measures of model fit as well as the specific procedure used (e.g., Hierarchical, Enter, Stepwise, Forward, Backward). 8. (5 pts) Describe how you would compute the sample size to achieve 80% power, alpha = .05, and the effect size of .50. Does your analysis support the sample size of the data you ran?

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