Westlake Chemical Co Research Paper
Write about the Internal analysis of Westlake chemical corporation. Topics include organizational analysis, analysis of firms resources and capabilities, financial analysis, swot analysis and strategy recommendations. The sub topics for all the sections are provided in the document uploaded. Follow that format for the paper. Internal Analysis 4.1 Organizational Analysis4.1.1 Corporate Visions and Mission4.1.2 Products and Services4.1.3 Leadership4.1.4 Organizational Culture4.1.5 Current Organizational Structure4.1.6 Current Corporate and Business Strategies4.1.7 Summary of Organizational Analysis4.2 Analysis of Firm Resources, Capabilities, and Value Chain4.2.1 Tangible Resources4.2.2 Intangible Resources4.2.3 Capabilities4.2.4 Core Competencies and Sustainable Advantages4.2.5 Value Chain Analysis4.2.6 Summary of Firm Resources, Capabilities, and Value Chain4.3 Financial Analysis4.3.1 Valuation Analysis4.3.2 Growth Analysis4.3.3 Profitability Analysis4.3.4 Financial Strength Analysis4.3.5 Management Efficiency Analysis4.3.6 Summary of Financial Analysis SWOT Analysis 5.1 Strength5.2 Weakness5.3 Opportunities5.4 Threats Strategy Recommendations 6.1 Evaluating Current Strategies and Identifying Major Strategic Issues6.1.1 Review of Current Strategies6.1.2 Issues with Current Strategies6.2 Recommendation 126.2.1 Proposed Strategy6.2.2 Recommendation Justification and Implementation Plan6.3 Recommendation 26.3.1 Proposed Strategy2 Your recommendations should be targeted to solve your strategic issues you identified in 6.1. Number of recommendations depends on how many major strategic issues you identified. Normally you can have two or three recommendations.
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