
Wetland Definitions Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlands

Wetland Definitions Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlands

make sure reference should be in every heading

What are Wetlands? The mission of the RAMSAR CONVENTION is “the conservation and wise use of all wetlands through local, regional and national actions and international cooperation towards achieving sustainable development throughout the world’ In this assignment Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlands
Part 1 5% Wetland Definitions NO WORD LIMIT
• Choose 5 definitions of wetlands- not already given in the Study Guide
• State these definitions and give their source (reference).

• Then construct a simplified table comparing the similarities and differences between the 5 definitions.
You should consider all aspects including in particular those relating to hydrology; soils; biology/vegetation;
Part 2 15 % Conservation and Wise Use of Wetlands (2000 words -excluding Tables and References )
The mission of the RAMSAR CONVENTION is “the conservation and wise use of all wetlands through local, regional and national actions and international cooperation towards achieving sustainable development throughout the world’
In this assignment you will select a country that is a Signatory to the Ramsar Convention and write a report on how that country is achieving the mission of “conservation and wise use of wetlands”.
Your report should cover the following headings:
Introduction/Background: State the country, include information on when it became a signatory to Ramsar, how many and what type of wetlands are listed under Ramsar. Provide a summary table and a location map of these wetlands.
Wetland Values and Uses: include a description of -ecological; hydrological, social, economic values/uses of these wetlands
Wetland Threats: include a description of any threats to these wetlands – anthropological or natural.
Wetland Management: include a description of measures being undertaken to conserve and protect these wetlands
References:Use Harvard System
NOTE: If you have chosen a county with a large number or RAMSAR sites you cannot give details of all of them, however you must demonstrate
how that country is achieving the mission of “conservation and wise use of wetlands”.
In your Introduction you should state why you have chosen these wetlands , in a similar way to the exemplar given

Location Permanent or Temporary Inundation Fresh
Salt or Brackish Water Poorly Drained Soils Hydrophyte Vegetation Excludes Rivers (creeks, streams etc) Includes Artificial Wetlands

Includes lakes Includes Groundwater Specific Depth of Water Static or Flowing Water
NZ + – – + – – + – – –
Canada + – + + + – – – <2m – USA + – – + + – – + – – QLD + + – – – + – – <6m (marine) + NSW + + – + – – – + – + Table 1: Similarities and Differences between Wetland Definitions + indicates specifically included or mentioned – indicates specifically excluded or not mentioned Table 2: Similarities and Differences between Wetland Definitions Hydrology Other Plants/Biota Soils Definition Permanent or Periodic Inundation Salt or Brackish Water Static or Flowing Water Includes Groundwater Excludes Rivers (creeks, streams etc) Marine water < 6m Includes Artificial Wetlands Aquatic life Hydrophyte Vegetation Hydric or poorly drained 1 Yes – – Yes – – – – – Yes 2 Yes – Yes Yes Yes – – Yes – Yes 3 Yes – – Yes Yes – Yes – – 4 Yes Yes – – – Yes – Yes Yes – 5 Yes Yes – Yes – – Yes – Yes Table 3 Similarities and Differences between Wetland Definitions Hydrology Substrate Plants/Biota Water quality Physical Hydric soils Non soils Aquatic life Aquatic plants Vegetation Marine <6m Fresh Salt or Brackish Water Static or Flowing Water Water depth Permanent or temporary inundation Animals/ microorganisms Aquatic plants /hydrophytes /macrophytes Vegetation types eg marshes, bogs, fens 1 NO Yes No NO YES Yes No 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes – – Yes – Yes 3 Yes NO No Yes Yes – Yes YES – – 4 NO Yes No No – Yes Yes No Yes Yes – 5 No Yes Yes Nos NO Yes YES – Yes

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