
Wetland systems in environmental management systems

Wetland systems in environmental management systems

please make sure to follow check list for assignment. teacher is strick, do intext referencing as much as possible.

Assessment Item 2: Review of the Effectiveness of Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of either Municipal Wastewater or Urban Stormwater. Maximum word length: 3,000 words ( excluding Tables and References)

Critically review the published literature concerning the performance effectiveness of constructed wetlands in the treatment processes for contaminant removal eg suspended solids, BOD, nutrients, pathogens. You may choose to focus on only ONE contaminant.
You must choose either wastewater effluent wetlands or stormwater treatment wetlands.
You must give examples from at least 5 case studies published in the literature.
You must consider the strengths and weaknesses of these engineered ecotechnologies, and briefly discuss the benefits and limitations of using constructed wetlands as a water treatment technology.

Your report must be adequately referenced using the Harvard System to demonstrate knowledge of the key published literature.

Failure to adequately reference the work of others can constitute plagiarism, for which severe penalties apply. See University Policy on Academic Integrity.

Assignment 2 Checklist

Review the Effectiveness of Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of either Municipal Wastewater or Urban Stormwater

1. Use Headings and Sub-headings
2. In your Title and Introduction: State the Constructed Wetland type ie Municipal Wastewater or Urban Stormwater
3. In your Introduction state the contaminant/contaminants
4. If you selected Municipal Wastewater CW you cannot use Case studies from Waste Stabilisation Ponds, Piggery Waste, Dairy waste, Industrial Waste, Landfill Waste etc Municipal Wastewater is sewage effluent.
5. If you selected Stormwater CW you cannot use Case studies from Detention Basins, Ponds, and Lakes. These might be part of a Treatment Train but they are NOT Wetlands
6. Introduction/Background-refer to the conditions and assessment criteria
7. Performance Effectiveness in Contaminant Removal- refer to the conditions and assessment criteria
8. Focus on Performance Efficiency ( ie % removal or reduction in contaminant concentrations/loads) not processes
9. Select at least 5 Case Studies ie journal articles reporting research undertaken
10. Select recent journal articles –preferably since 2000
11. For each Case Study give data and show % removal of contaminants (ie performance efficiency)
12. You may wish to provide a Summary Table of performance efficiency of your case studies
13. Discuss the major outcomes of the case studies ie critically review the journal articles
14. Compare and contrast the case studies by providing your own interpretation ie critical evaluation
15. Strengths and Weaknesses – refer to the conditions and assessment criteria. You can refer to your case studies on performance efficiency and/ or additional literature
16. Discuss Strengths and Weaknesses don’t just list them
17. Conclusions/Recommendations- refer to the conditions and assessment criteria
18. Provide a SUMMARY table of Strengths and Weaknesses
19. Referencing- use Harvard System.
Note: Plagiarism: occurs when the work of another is represented, intentionally or unintentionally,
as one’s own original work, without appropriate acknowledgement of the author or the source.
Inadequate Referencing also occurs by. Failing to indicate a quote, but citing source or inadequate paraphrasing, no in-text citation but source is cited in reference list

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