what went wrong on the Link 360
Order Description
The most important facts to remember are:
1] If you don’t read this carefully, you won’t do well at this assignment.
2] This assignment is for ALL students in People, Work and Organisations.
Length: 3000 words
Report Format: Academic Report Format
Research Requirements: A minimum of 10 peer reviewed journal articles included as citations within the report. That doesn’t mean that with ten peer reviewed journals you are all set for a HD J It’s just a minimum requirement.
This assessment requires you to research the management literature in order to develop solutions to a case study which will be in your set text McShane, Olekalns and Travaglione, Organisational Behaviour: (Asia Pacific Edition) 4th edition.
Analyse the case study through reference to OB theories principles in the text, together with a range of scholarly journals.
Keep in mind that the external sources (outside the textbook) must be peer reviewed journal articles (although scholarly book chapters are also acceptable). If you are in doubt of what constitutes a journal article or scholarly book chapter you need to ask your campus lecturer or the course co-ordinator.
For assistance in accessing such papers, students should access the CQU Library’s “Compass Tutorial” site http://www.library.cqu.edu.au/finding/compass/main/index.htm
As a minimum you need to answer the questions presented in the case study.
The purpose of this assessment is threefold:
1.To ensure that you have the research, writing and referencing skills to succeed in your postgraduate assessments.
2.To provide you with the opportunity to critically analyse issues that impact on effective management.
3.To enhance your ability to develop solutions to problems drawing upon the research literature.
Due date: 12 noon AEST, Thursday of Week 8
Weighting: 30%
Length: 3000 words
This assessment item relates to the course learning outcomes numbers 1 to 5 as stated in the Course Profile.
The Executive Summary, Lists of Contents (both these are not essential) and References (absolutely essential) are not included in the required word length.
This assessment is based on Case Study 3 on page 241 of your textbook, McShane et al, Rough seas on Link650. We are looking for you to research the management literature to help understand what went wrong on the Link360 from an organisational behaviour perspective.
The purpose of this assessment is threefold:
1. to ensure that you have the research and referencing skills to succeed in your postgraduate assessment works.
2. to provide you with the opportunity to critically analyse issues that impact on effective management.
3. to enhance your ability to develop solutions to problems drawing upon the research literature.
The structure of the report should be as follows:
A] Brief review of the key points of the case, with the review connected to the key points you are going to draw from the literature (around 500 words)
B] Detailed analysis of the case, illustrated with evidence drawn from the literature (around 2000 words). This ideally should be an integrated, well organised review of the articles/book chapters you have selected that address the case. In preparing this, ask yourself questions such as:
·does the paper contain evidence that is relevant to the case?
·does the paper help us to analyse the case and develop solutions to the problems that occurred?
C] Conclusion and recommendations (around 500 words)
A few other important points:
Use headings and sub-headings as appropriate. Your report must include in-text referencing and a correctly cited list of all references used in the report and ordered alphabetically by surname of first author, in accordance with the Harvard style of referencing (THIS IS IMPORTANT) as referred to in the Faculty Guide for students.
Remember, it is your professional interpretation of the case that counts. This should read like a report written by an independent consultant examining the death of Bob MacKenzie and the organisational behavioural issues that lead to his death. Do not use first person “I”, but just neutral language like “It appears that…” “It is recommended that…”
It is suggested that you critically analyse the information rather than jump to conclusions when preparing your report. When reviewing your assignment before submission, you should refer to the Assessment criteria matrix as a check on how well the report has been prepared (see below)
Total marks for this assignment are 30 MARKS.
These will be assigned based on the following criteria:
Review and correctly cite a MINIMUM of 10 academic sources – either journal articles or scholarly book chapters (5 MARKS).
Effective Introduction (2 MARKS).
Summary Information: Analyse your sources in a thorough literature review (5 MARKS).
Analysis of case: Identify the central problem backed by evidence from your sources (5 MARKS).
Theoretical Support: Various OB models and OB theories from articles linked to case facts in the analysis – there should be evidence of links or connections between facts in the case and OB models and OB theories that you cite using your sources (5 MARKS).
Options and Recommendations: Develop a range of options and propose a recommendation for overcoming the problems identified in your analysis (supported by journal articles). (3 MARKS)
Effective Conclusion: (2 MARKS)
Quality of communication (3 MARKS)
Top marks will be given to students who respond directly to the essay topic, analyse and synthesise their sources (compare and contrast), construct a logical, well-organised argument, and produce an assignment that is properly checked, well-expressed and referenced.
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