1. When leading a group, how much self-disclosure is too much? Would you give your cell phone number to a client? Would you place pictures of your family in your office? Why or why not?
2. How would you use self-disclosure when leading a group?
In the second part of the paper, let’s think about how the Adlerian Approach may be used in your future group work.
Address the following questions:
What are some of your earliest memories? Identify one specific early memory and reflect on the significance this early recollection has for you. What value do you see in the Adlerian techniques of having group members recall their earliest memories? Can you think of ways to use the techniques in groups that you may lead?
From an Adlerian perspective, group members are best understood by looking at where they are going. How are your goals influencing what you are doing now? In what ways can you apply this purposive, goal-directed approach in your work with groups?
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